
  1. 烟草的地表保护性栽培技术是当前烟叶种植技术非常关键的一个技术环节。

    Ground-covering technology is one of the key points in the current tobacco-cultivating technology .

  2. 烟叶种植在适宜的海拔区域是促进该区烤烟健康成长的主要措施。

    Suitable altitude height was the major measure to guarantee the healthy plant tobacco .

  3. 烟叶种植的区域化,促进了四川烟草加工业的发展。

    Regionalization of tobacco cultivation , promoted the development of cigarette industry in Sichuan Province .

  4. 然后检验了工商协同营销、品牌培育与烟叶种植等战略实施效果。

    Then , tested the synergistic business marketing , brand development and implementation of effective tobacco planting strategy .

  5. 烟农兼业经济行为、烟农土地经营规模以及烟农家庭劳动力状况是影响农户烟叶种植投入行为的主要因素。

    Tobacco fanner part-farm behavior , land size and labors were the main factors that affected the tobacco planting investment .

  6. 重庆是我国主要的烟区之一,烟叶种植面积达47000hm~2。

    As one of the main tobacco-planted regions , Chongqing has an area of 47,000 hm ~ 2 planting tobacco soil .

  7. 四川省烤烟种植历史悠久,近年来发展较快,目前是我国第三大烟叶种植省份。

    Sichuan is the third largest tobacco planting provinces in China currently , with a long history of tobacco-growing and rapid speed of development .

  8. 长浏二号对于烟叶种植规模小(10亩以下),可以结合实际推广使用。

    Tobacco cultivation for a CHANG LIU on the 2nd small ( 10 acres or less ), could promote the use of actual conditions .

  9. 本实用新型操作方便,可以降低劳动强度,提高劳动效率,而且价格比较低廉,适合普通的烟叶种植户使用。

    The electric binding machine has the advantages of convenient operation , reduced labor strength , improved labor efficiency and low cost , and is suitable for being used by common tobacco leaf planters .

  10. 浏阳市具备优良的烟叶种植气候和土壤条件,是优质烤烟生产基地,为卷烟工业的发展提供了优质原料,备受卷烟企业青睐。

    Liuyang county is a high grade flue-cured tobacco production base with excellent tobacco planting climate and soil conditions , provided high-quality raw materials for the cigarette industry , has been favored in cigarette enterprises .

  11. 然而,该烟草公司对于下半年的业绩预期是悲观的,把这归结于最近卷烟消费税的增长,以及在一些烟叶种植地区干旱的影响。

    The tobacco firm is , however , pessimistic about the second half of the year performance , citing a recent increase in cigarette excise duty and the impact of drought in some leaf growing areas .

  12. 从狭义上讲,对龙岩地区烟叶种植结构的调整、防灾减灾和烟叶生产的风险保障工作具有重要的参考价值。

    In a narrow sense , the study has an important reference value for the tobacco planting structure adjustment , disaster prevention and mitigation , and tobacco production risk safeguard work in Longyan , Fujian province , Southeast China .

  13. 经济性规制改革从财税体制、定价机制、烟草计划管理体制、烟叶种植管理制度、烟草企业兼并重组、烟草流通体制改革和多元化经营战略等方面进行分析。

    Economic regulation includes taxation system reform , pricing mechanisms , the tobacco program management system , management system of tobacco cultivation , tobacco company mergers and acquisitions , tobacco and diversified distribution system and other aspects of business strategy analysis .

  14. 但是烟叶种植区域分散、种烟户数多、种植集中度低,已成为制约发展现代烟草农业的重要瓶颈,影响烟叶生产的可持续发展。

    But the tobacco production areas are scattered , tobacco cultivating families are very excessive , and growing density is low . These facts has restricted the development of modern agriculture and became an important bottleneck in tobacco for the sustainable development of tobacco production .

  15. 其中专业化烘烤实行烟叶种植与烘烤分离或办分离,明确生产分工,减少烤烟生产技术复杂性,减轻劳动强度,增加生产效益,调动烟农的种烟积极性。

    Among it , specialized curing of flue-cured tobacco carried out separation or semi-separation of tobacco cultivation and tobacco curing , clarified division of production , reduced complexity of tobacco production technology , and labor intensity , increased production efficiency , raise the enthusiasm of tobacco growers .

  16. 第二章烟叶的种植、收购和调拨

    Chapter II plantation , purchase and allocation of leaf tobacco

  17. 对曲靖、文山两个烟叶产区烟叶种植专业户(大户)规模、效益进行了比较研究。

    Qujing , Wenshan two tobacco leaf growing areas of specialized households ( large ) scale , a comparative study of effectiveness . 4 .

  18. 二十多年来,先后开设了乡村医生、林果、烟叶、连翘种植与加工、财会、艺术、黄牛养殖、电脑等专业。

    More than two decades , has opened a rural doctor , fruit , tobacco , Phillyrin cultivation and processing , accounting , art , cattle breeding , the computer professional .

  19. 烟叶收购合同应当约定烟叶种植面积。

    Any leaf tobacco purchasing contract shall specify the agreed area for leaf tobacco plantation .

  20. 紫花苜蓿和菊苣比叶面积和光合特性对不同用量保水剂的响应烟叶收购合同应当约定烟叶种植面积。

    The response of SLA and photosynthesis of Medicago sativa and Cichorium intybus to different rates of super absorbent polymer Any leaf tobacco purchasing contract shall specify the agreed area for leaf tobacco plantation .

  21. 烟叶是我国的重要经济作物,湘西是我国主产烟区之一,烟叶种植面积达1.33万公顷。

    Tobacco is an important economic crop in China , Xiangxi is one of main production areas of tobacco leaf , tobacco cultivation area achieve 13,300 hectares every year .

  22. 我国的烟叶生产实际上面临着计划经济和市场经济的双重影响,一方面,国家严格控制烟叶的种植和收购,每年下达种植计划和烟叶的收购价格。

    In fact , tobacco leaf production is confronted with dual influences of planned economy and market economy . On the one hand , the planting and purchasing of leaf are strictly controlled by the country .

  23. 基于对河南烟叶产区的土壤生态条件和烟叶施肥生产状况,满足获得富钾醇香型卷烟烟叶原料的烤烟种植要求,采取了施用缓释肥的技术措施。

    Based on the soil ecological condition of Henan and tobacco fertilizer production status to meet the K-rich mellow raw flue-cured tobacco cultivation requirements , we take technical measures for the application of slow release fertilizer .