
  • 网络maria;malia;Marie
  1. 客观的评论家有时会认为,玛丽娅•卡拉斯(MariaCallas)的声音听起来又刺耳又发颤。

    Objective critics sometimes noted that Maria Callas sounded strident and wobbly .

  2. 我已向玛丽娅、我的孩子和家人道歉。

    I have apologized to Maria , my children and my family .

  3. 我有些关于玛丽娅的事没告诉你。

    There 's some things I nevertold you about maria .

  4. 玛丽娅:很快就能得到网站的反馈吗?

    Maria : Can I get a quick reply from the sites ?

  5. 夏洛蒂抓起个小镜子向玛丽娅猛投过去。

    Charlotte picked up a hand mirror and hurled it at marya .

  6. 玛丽娅和我是墨西哥人,我们来自墨西哥城。

    Maria and I are Mexican . We 're from Mexico City .

  7. 我一烦了玛丽娅就建议玩牌。

    When I get bored Marya suggests we play cards .

  8. 玛丽娅总是告诉她别激动。

    Marya was always telling her not to be enthusiastic .

  9. 玛丽娅脸上疲倦的皱纹早已消失了。

    The tired lines on Manya 's face had disappeared .

  10. 玛丽娅,一定要告诉我们一些关于威尼斯电影节的情况。

    Maria , do tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival .

  11. 我去告诉玛丽娅和吉普赛人怎样侍弄这些马。

    I will tell Maria and the Gypsy how to handle the horses .

  12. 玛丽娅的母亲打电话来。

    It 's maria 's mother on the phone .

  13. 他们有两个女儿:卡迪娅和玛丽娅。

    They have two daughters , Katya and maria .

  14. 佩德罗,安东尼奥,冈萨罗,玛丽娅,老乡苏茜。

    Pedro , Antonio , Gonzalo Maria , Suzy from home you know ?

  15. 玛丽娅,你想要吃鸡蛋吗?

    Would you like some eggs , Maria ?

  16. 玛丽娅:怎样与他们取得联系呢?

    Maria : How should I contact them ?

  17. 玛丽娅现在不在乎她了。

    Maria took no notice of her now .

  18. 詹尼弗,佐儿,樱和玛丽娅开始了和奇怪陌生人之间的谈话。

    Jennifer , Zo é, Sakura and Maria start weird conversation with the strangers .

  19. 玛丽娅:请您告诉我怎样上网进行求职?

    Maria : Could you please tell me how I can go job-hunting in the web ?

  20. 玛丽娅•曼努诺斯当你站在别人旁边,站直并抬起你的头。

    Maria Menounos When you stand next to someone , stand straight , and lift your head .

  21. 四个不同时空的女孩&佐儿,樱,詹尼弗和玛丽娅就用这种方式开始了对话。

    Zo é, Sakura , Jennifer , Maria form a conversation through their monologues though they live different time and space .

  22. 玛丽娅与勃里尔小姐对故事结尾处最有意义的启示的反应则截然不同。

    Maria and Miss Brill have entirely different responses to the revelation of the most significant moment at the end of the stories .

  23. “圣诞节”的意思是“庆祝基督”,庆祝一个年轻的犹太妇女玛丽娅生下耶稣的时刻。

    " Christmas " - meaning " celebration of christ " - honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman mary .

  24. 由于女儿玛丽娅有过敏史,所以奥巴马强调必须挑选一种不易引起人过敏的狗。

    In revealing that Malia is allergic , Obama stressed the need for a hypoallergenic breed of dog , which produces fewer allergic reactions in people .

  25. 玛丽娅已和木匠约瑟夫订婚。可是,订婚。可是,在他们同居之前,居之前,约瑟夫发现玛丽娅已怀孕。丽娅已怀孕。

    Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph , a carpenter , but before they came together , she was found to be with child .

  26. 我要感谢两个女儿萨沙和玛丽娅,我太爱你们两个了,你们将得到一条新的小狗,它将与我们一起入住白宫。

    Sasha and Malia , I love you both so much , and you have earned the new puppy that 's coming with us to the White House .

  27. 他正在考虑这事时,上帝的天使出现在他的梦中,对他说,不要嘀咕了,把玛丽娅娶回家。

    But after he had considered this , an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said , Do not be afraid to take Mary hom .

  28. 这场“公死子悬案”据称发死在贾斯汀去年在洛杉矶的演唱会后台。玛丽娅在诉讼中说贾斯汀当时拒绝使用避孕套。

    The conception allegedly went down backstage after one of Justin 's concerts at the Staples Center in Los Angeles . Mariah 's suit claims Justin refused to use a condom .

  29. 黑白相间的连衣裙泰勒•斯威夫特和玛丽娅•曼努诺斯都选择了突显她们身材的连衣裙,并画了眼睛,多亏肩处和上身的鲜明对比。

    BLACK-AND-WHITE DRESSES Taylor Swift and Maria Menounos both pick dresses that flatter their figures and draw the eyes up , thanks to the stark contrast between the yoke and the bodice .

  30. 还有我母亲,我生命中最重要的榜样,她和我们住在白宫帮着照顾我的两个小女儿,玛丽娅和萨莎。

    And my mother , the most important role model in my life , who lives with us at the White House and helps to care for our two little daughters , Malia and Sasha .