
kuáng biāo
  • hurricane;wild whirlwind
狂飙 [kuáng biāo]
  • [hurricane] 暴风,借指猛烈的潮流或力量

狂飙[kuáng biāo]
  1. 这段狂飙突进、此起彼伏的文化思想历程,实为中西文化思想史中之所罕见。

    This period of hurricane dash , violent cultural ideological course , actually in the history of Chinese and western culture are rare .

  2. 那些开偷来的车狂飙和驾车抢劫的年轻人都是无业游民。

    The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed .

  3. 成本一路狂飙,制片厂受惊之余撤回了罗马的公司。

    When costs soared , the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome .

  4. 他们“暴富”的来源在上世纪90年代后期通常指网络概念股狂潮阶段以及纳斯达克股市狂飙时期。

    The " wealth " part of sudden wealth syndrome has normally been associated with the riches accumulated from dot-com IPOs and the rapid rise of the Nasdaq stock market in the late 90s .

  5. 在一定程度上,美联储(Fed)遵循的宽松货币政策为上世纪20年代股市狂飙提供了动力。当时,缺乏经验的美联储错误地尝试帮助英国在回归金本位后维持英镑的价值。

    The impetus for the stock market euphoria of the 1920s came partly from a loose monetary policy pursued by an inexperienced Federal Reserve in a misguided attempt to help the British preserve the value of the pound after the return to the gold standard .

  6. 风,云,漩流,狂飙,无用的群星!

    Winds , clouds , whirlwinds , gusts , useless stars !

  7. 在第四季优异的盈利报告之后,微软的股票今天向上狂飙。

    Shares in MSFT skyrocketed today after strong4th quarter profit reports .

  8. 狂飙可以学会控制他那不记后果的鲁莽吗?

    Will CYCLONUS ever learn to control his savage recklessness ?

  9. 几乎只够一次呼吸的时间,所以请准备好进行一次能量狂飙。

    Barely enough breathing room , so get ready for a powerful ride .

  10. 我的盖革放射量测定器,用来测量辐射量,指数狂飙,

    My Geiger counter dosimeter , which measures radiation , was going berserk ,

  11. 湖南卫视掀起了中国新闻电视改革的新一轮狂飙。

    Hunan TV station is the leader of the reformation of Chinese news programs .

  12. 台资力量再度狂飙上海?2004上海房价何去何从?

    Taiwanese forces again went shanghai ? 2004 Shanghai housing prices go from here ?

  13. 混沌理论是一项代表重新塑造科学体系的狂飙运动。

    Chaos theory is the storm and stress which is representative of remodeling science system .

  14. 我们的目的制造一个稳定的赛道狂飙,使他有长久的生命力。

    The goal is to make a robust TrackMania to give it a long life .

  15. 狂飙是个不顾一切的家伙,以至于其他霸天虎伙伴也惧怕他。

    CYCLONUS is so reckless that even his own DECEPTICON allies are afraid of him .

  16. 我不明白为什么有这么多车在街道上狂飙。

    I don 't understand why there are so many cars belting along the street .

  17. 我已经不能完整地读完这篇文章,因为眼泪已经狂飙了。

    I can barely read the text as I have tears STREAMING down my face .

  18. 尽情在66号公路上狂飙吧

    Get your kicks on Route 66 ♪

  19. 在这意气风发急若狂飙的过程中,不时使人有极度悲哀之感。

    In the midst of the hurrying , exuberant process there came moments of intense sadness .

  20. 20世纪80年代以来,在中国大地上刮起了城镇化的狂飙。

    Since the period of 1980s , there has been a tendency of urbanization throughout China .

  21. 狂飙计算出了使用这些破坏力巨大的迷你战士的方法,并用来尽最大可能制造破坏。

    CYCLONUS has figured out how to use these demolition-driven Mini-cons to create the most damage possible .

  22. 狂飙喧嚣的感性叙事&摇滚(乐)的存在及其声音感觉的逻辑

    Perceptual Narration of Roaring : The Existence of Rock Music and Its " Sound Perception Logic "

  23. 我们希望通过对旅行者资料的进一步研究弄清楚造成这类狂飙的原因究竟是什么。

    We hope to learn what drives these enormous winds by further study of the Voyager data .

  24. 大金风云万象的历史狂飙旋转向辽国的疆域,摧枯拉朽。

    With a strong hurricane of history , Jin stormed into Liao and swept obstacles in the way .

  25. 如同许多葡萄酒产区一样,里奥哈在上世纪最后十年经历了一段狂飙突进的时期。

    Like many wine regions , Rioja went through a rather convulsive final decade of the last century .

  26. 港湾深夜俱乐部-街头狂飙

    Midnight Club Street Racing

  27. 从狂飙突进到古典的嬗变&歌德魏玛最初十年再认识

    Evolving from the Storm and Stress to Classicism : Reflections on Goethe 's First Ten-Year Life in Weimar

  28. 歌德一生的创作分为狂飙突进和古典两个时期。

    The literary creation of Goethe consists of two periods : the time of tantivy and the classical period ;

  29. 危险的狂飙过后,一切都朝着地面回落,但下落速度迥异。

    Things were heading back to earth after a period of dangerous insanity , but at wildly varying speeds .

  30. 一个游戏中的赛道狂飙系列是联合国永远,这是提供免费下载和播放。

    One game in the series is TrackMania Nations Forever , which is available for free download and playing .