
kuáng nù
  • rage;fury;furor;unbridled rage
狂怒 [kuáng nù]
  • [unbridled rage] 非同寻常的愤怒

  • 狂怒之下,把她赶走

狂怒[kuáng nù]
  1. 这孩子突发狂怒,把玩具扔得满地都是

    The child felle into a rage and began scattering its toys about .

  2. 在狂怒之下,她那张扭曲的脸涨得通红。

    Her distorted face was ablaze with rage .

  3. 她尖叫着,脸部因狂怒和痛苦而扭曲。

    She screamed , her face distorted with fury and pain .

  4. “滚出去!”她狂怒地命令道。

    ' Get out ! ' she ordered in a frenzy

  5. 狂怒的风暴减弱了。

    The fury of the storm subsided .

  6. 在希特勒的狂怒和报复下,他们还遭到掠夺和恐怖统治

    They are to be pillaged and terrorised in Hitler 's fury and revenge .

  7. 在我们的世界里,除了恐惧、狂怒、得意、自贬以外,没有别的感情

    In our world there will be no emotions except fear , rage , triumph , and self-abasement .

  8. 母亲在医院里wow狂怒的大鱼待了一个月。

    My mother had to stay with him in the ho ital for a month .

  9. 为什么前排乘客把椅背向后调,后排乘客会用简直可以写进《蝇王》(LordoftheFlies)式的狂怒去回应?

    Why , when a passenger reclines his seat , does another respond with rage befitting the pages of " Lord of the Flies " ?

  10. n.愚蠢;荒唐事大学一年之后,他放弃了自己的学业,那是最愚蠢的行为。n.狂怒;暴怒;

    folly After one year at the university he gave up his studies , it was an act of the greatest folly .

  11. 近来最著名的案例发生在两年前。当时,狂怒的美国国会挫败了阿联酋政府控制的码头运营商迪拜港口世界公司(DPWorld)购买美国5个集装箱码头以及其它港口业务的企图。

    The most celebrated recent case came two years ago when a congressional furore in Washington scuppered an attempt by DP World , a state-controlled port operator based in the United Arab Emirates , to buy five US container terminals and other port operations .

  12. 《SOS:1961-2013诗选》(SOS:Poems1961-2013),艾米丽·巴拉卡(AmiriBaraka),保罗·凡格里斯蒂(PaulVangelisti)选编(Grove出版社,30美元)。半个世纪革命性的作品,显示出巴拉卡的坚定信仰与他狂怒的热情。

    S O S : Poems 1961-2013 . By Amiri Baraka . Selected by Paul Vangelisti . ( Grove , $ 30 . ) A half-century of revolutionary work the firmness of Baraka 's beliefs and the heat of his fury .

  13. 猎人一扣板机,狂怒的老虎应声倒地。

    The hunter squeezed off and down went the furious tiger .

  14. 狂怒过后,是一阵短暂的沉默,接着听到一下轻柔的敲门声。

    At last a paused was followed by a gentle tap .

  15. “这家伙是谁?”亲王狂怒地大叫道。

    ' who is this man ? 'the Prince exclaimed furiously .

  16. 狂怒之下,他冲着他太太吼叫。

    In a blaze of fury he shouted at his wife .

  17. 为刺客的狂怒和野蛮人的旋风增加了新的动画效果。

    Added a graphic effect to the fury and whirlwind skills .

  18. 一声狂怒的咆哮被天使死死咬在唇边。

    A howl of rage strangled on the angel 's lips .

  19. 他气到狂怒,因为他们侮辱他。

    He was furious with anger , because they insulted him .

  20. “我需要你们都躲开我!”凯瑟琳狂怒地大叫。

    I require to be let alone ! 'exclaimed Catherine furiously .

  21. 森林里传来了狂怒的狗叫声。

    From the forest came the sound of a dog barking furiously .

  22. 我父亲勃然大怒,要求退回他的钱。(因小事)狂怒。

    My father flew into a rage and demanded his money back .

  23. 他是一个充满了狂怒的人&一个充满了火的人。

    He was one with the fury * one with the fire .

  24. 他的评论在国家报纸上引起了狂怒。

    His comments caused a furor in the national press .

  25. 结果公布后人群变得狂怒起来。

    The crowd went berserk when the result was announced .

  26. 她狂怒之下摔碎了盘子。

    She smashed the plate in a fit of rage .

  27. 原来那个狂怒坚强的小伙子哪去了?

    Where 'd that raging tough guy inside you go ?

  28. 士兵们,可以这样说,都充满了狂怒。

    The soldiers , we will observe , were full of wrath .

  29. 正如卡列班在镜中看见自身时的狂怒。

    The rage of Caliban seeing his own face in a glass .

  30. 而此时我也变得狂怒了对一个孩子。

    But now I also had grown furious-at a child .