
  • 网络dark figures;dark figure of crime
  1. 犯罪黑数的形成原因

    The reasons for inducing the dark figure of crime

  2. 保险欺诈之特征有四,即主体多元、二是行为复杂、危害深远、犯罪黑数高。

    There are four characteristics of insurance fraud that the wide range of subject , complex behavior , serious harm , and high dark figure of crime .

  3. 犯罪黑数是一种世界性的普遍现象。

    The invisible number of crimes is a universal phenomenon .

  4. 论职务犯罪黑数

    On Concealed Number of Crime of Duty Abuse

  5. 农村犯罪黑数是不可避免的,但需要正确认识。

    Rural hidden number of crimes is unavoidable , but it needs correct understanding .

  6. 犯罪黑数及其控制

    Concealed Crime Numbers and Social Control

  7. 论大学生犯罪黑数的原因及其预防对策

    On the Reason and the Prevention Countermeasures to the Dark Figure of the University Student 's Crime

  8. 犯罪黑数的存在是必然的,是有规律可循、可以为人们所认识的,同时也可以通过一定的措施加以控制;

    There is the regularity of the uncovered crimes number . It can be acknowledged and controlled by certain measure .

  9. 目前我国犯罪黑数最为突出的犯罪类型是职务犯罪,这是由多种原因共同造成的。

    The largest invisible number of crimes in China exists in crimes concerning duties , which is caused by many reasons .

  10. 犯罪黑数存在的原因相当复杂,而要控制这一现象,也需要从其产生的社会原因、法律原因以及主体因素等方面加以考虑。

    The reasons why concealed crime numbers exists are so complex that it should be considered from social , legal and subject aspects , etc.

  11. 因而应采取措施,查清和减少职务犯罪黑数,达到维护社会稳定的目的。

    Effective measures should be adopted to check up on the invisible number of crimes and decrease it in order to safeguard the stability of the society .

  12. 犯罪黑数的形成原因主要包括执法机关方面的原因、受害人方面的原因、社会公众方面的原因和案件本身的原因等几个方面。

    The reasons inducing the dark figure of crime are manifold : failures of law enforcement agencies , victims , the public , the cases themselves , and so on .

  13. 犯罪黑数,是指事实上犯罪行为已经发生,但由于种种原因未予记载到犯罪统计中的犯罪数量。

    The non-recorded numbers of criminal cases ( Black numbers ) mean that the criminal offences have already taken place , but due to various reasons , they have not been recorded into criminal statistics .

  14. 犯罪被害人调查是解决犯罪黑数问题,弥补刑事司法统计不足的有效方法,同时,也将为犯罪和被害问题的研究提供翔实的材料。

    The crime victim survey is an effective way to solve the problem of dark figure in crimes , and to remedy the defects of criminal justice statistics . And it also provides detailed and accurate data for studying crime and victimization .

  15. 在公司犯罪现象的测量问题上,犯罪黑数问题更为突出。

    Criminal Dark Figures is more outstanding in the Corporate Crime phenomena measuring .

  16. 证券犯罪具有社会危害性大、单位犯罪情况严重、犯罪黑数高的特点,证券犯罪案件的侦查也具有其他案件所不具有的侦查特征。

    At the same time the crime is very harmful to the society , the unit 's criminal situation is serious , it is concealed highly and the investigation of it has the characteristics of the other cases do not have too .