
niú nián
  • year of the ox
  1. 是中国十二生肖的牛年。

    It is now the Year of the Ox on the Chinese zodiac .

  2. 最后再次祝无论看了还是没看这个博客的朋友牛年吉祥!

    Finally , I wish once again all the friends auspicious Year of the Ox !

  3. 《牛年动乱》是一部成功的著作。

    " The Cattle Year Turbulence " is a successful work .

  4. 但至少还有人在牛年里保持着乐观。

    But at least someone is bullish in the year of the ox.

  5. 凡牛年出生的顾客将可获赠“金牛”精美礼品一份。

    Anybody born under OX can get a nice gift for free !

  6. 祝您在牛年里,更健康,更富有,更快乐!

    Wish you healthier , richer , happier in the year of the ox.

  7. 牛年出生人士属于忠实,真诚,顽固。

    Ox are loyal , sincere , and stubborn .

  8. 我是牛年出生的。

    I was born in the year of the ox.

  9. 中国的农历新年牛年就要来到了。

    The Chinese lunar new year is coming .

  10. 鼠年过去牛年才会到来。

    Cow will come after mouse is done .

  11. 快乐中国牛年!广济寺方丈演觉法师题新年贺词。

    Happy Chinese New OX Year ! Calligraphy by Master Yan Jue of Guangji Temple .

  12. 刚过去的牛年,充满起落和变化。

    The Year of the Ox , turned out to be full of fluctuations and changes .

  13. 今年是牛年,正好是你的本命年。按年调整间接成本。

    Adjust your overhead costs annually .

  14. 在星期一,成千上万民众庆祝在亚洲的春节,迎接牛年到来。

    Millions of people celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year across Asia , ushering in the Year of the Ox on Monday .

  15. 辞旧迎新,伴着卓依婷甜美、圆润、喜庆的歌声,祝愿大家牛年好运安康、如意吉祥、新春快乐、阖家幸福。

    Good luck , Best wishes , and excellent health for the Spring Festival of Ox Year to you and your family !

  16. 牛是踏实耐劳的象征,会使事物恢复秩序、会使乱局变得有条理。牛年正是我们去除鼠年留下的残局与乱象的一年。

    The ox is the quintessential steadfast and patient worker which will put everything back in order and turn chaos back into reason .

  17. 对于中国约1.3亿农民工而言,牛年开头就不吉利,而情况可能只会变得更糟。

    For China 's estimated 130m migrant workers , this inauspicious start to the Year of the Ox is only likely to get worse .

  18. 在经历了去年的灾难后,许多中国人希望牛年有一个较为吉利的开局。

    Many people in China were hoping for a more auspicious start to the year of the ox after the disasters of last year .

  19. 人们一般认为生于牛年的人比较有耐心,寡言少语,同时也能获取别人的信任。

    People born in the Year of the Ox are thought to be patient , to speak little , and to inspire confidence in others .

  20. 人们坚定地去迎接牛年的到来,并且希望在牛年通过他们的艰苦的工作将给他们带来繁荣。

    People are determined to welcome the Niu Year in style and hope the Year of the Ox will bring prosperity through fortitude and hard work .

  21. 不过,在放弃“中国牛年”观点前,我们仍需等待更多的数据。

    That said , we are in the unique position of waiting for more data before we jump ship on our " year of the Chinese bull " thesis .

  22. 祂说去年,是牛年,是努力工作的一年,但今年“障碍将会超越”。

    He said that last year , which was the Year of the Ox , was a period of hard work but this year " obstacles would be overcome " .

  23. 有趣的是,这些特点在一些牛年生的名人上都有所体现,例如:法国国王拿破仑,英国喜剧演员查理-卓别林。

    Interestingly , these traits can be spotted on famous people born in the Year of the Ox , like the French emperor Napoleon and the English comedic actor Charlie Chaplin .

  24. 牛年,令我们可以在“经济大萧条”的阴霾下重见“牛市”。

    In the past year , the Year of the Ox , we witnessed the return of a " bull market " amid the looming threat of a " great depression " .

  25. 希望大家在即将要告别我们的2008,迎接新的一年“牛年”之时,一切都牛,牛年吉祥!

    Hope that we are about to bid farewell to our2008 , to usher in the new year " Year of the Ox " when all cattle , auspicious Year of the Ox !

  26. 在牛年的第一天,中国的障碍车手喜迎新春,选手们开始为新赛季做准备,练车的热情打消了寒意。

    On26 Jan. , the1st Day of Chinese Lunar New Year , China BikeTrial riders have a practice to celebrate " The Year of the Ox " and prepared for the new season .

  27. 牛年第一天,在加拿大温哥华,我收到了一首诗和从英国诺丁汉寄来的包裹,里面盛满了惊喜与温暖。

    On the first day of the Year of Ox , in Vancouver , Canada , I received a poem and a package , which is full of surprise , warmth and sweet , from Nottingham , the UK .

  28. 不过,虽然亚洲将不得不从日益加剧的经济、政治和外交挑战中突出重围,但这个牛年也可能成为权力加快向亚洲转移的一年。

    Yet , although Asia will have to heave itself through thickening economic , political and diplomatic challenges , it is possible to depict the year of the ox as one that will accelerate the drift to Asian power .