
jìn qǔ
  • be enterprising;keep forging ahead;be up-and-coming;be eager to make progress
进取 [jìn qǔ]
  • [keep forging ahead; be enterprising] 努力上进,力图有所作为

  • 积极进取

  • 希望也故进取。--清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》

  • 进取也故日新。

进取[jìn qǔ]
  1. 瞄准国家目标开拓进取

    Aiming at national goals , opening up and keep forging ahead

  2. 戒骄戒躁,永远保持谦虚进取的精神雷锋虽然死了,但他的精神将永远存在。

    Guard against conceit and rashness , always remain modest and keep forging ahead Lei Feng has died , but his spirit lives on for ever .

  3. 许多教师愿意更加进取,更富创造性。

    Many teachers would like to be more adventurous and creative .

  4. 在当今竞争激烈的市场上,一个好的销售员应该有进取精神。

    A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today 's competitive market .

  5. 他们勤俭节约,积极进取,得到了当之无愧的赞扬。

    They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise .

  6. 他是一位锐意进取、竞争意识很强的主管,颇受尊敬。

    He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive executive

  7. 她对他缺少进取心感到失望。

    She was disappointed by his lack of initiative .

  8. 玛丽安怀着一颗年轻、不断进取的心去寻求新的天地。

    Marian retains a restless , youthful spirit , in search of new horizons .

  9. 无论之前取得何等辉煌的成就,都应该不断努力进取。

    You should always strive to achieve more , however well you have done before

  10. 我崇尚进取、冒险和永不倦怠。

    I believe in progression , in taking risks , in never getting stale .

  11. 我不喜欢一成不变的生活——我喜欢不断进取。

    I don 't like being in a rut — I like to keep moving on

  12. 现在到了拿出你最大的热情和积极性,努力进取的时候了。

    Now is the time to forge ahead with all the enthusiasm and optimism that you can manage .

  13. 杰克很有进取精神。

    Jack is a man of great enterprise .

  14. 这些没有进取精神的人把钱都闲置在银行里。

    These unenterprising people have money lying idle in a bank .

  15. 他虽然聪明,但不会成功,因为他缺乏进取心。

    He 's clever but won 't succeed because he lacks drive .

  16. 他在学业上一点也没有进取心。

    He has no enterprise at all in his studies .

  17. 一个积极进取的年轻人在公司里是会有作为的。

    An aggressive young man goes far in this firm .

  18. 该公司努力以富有创新和进取精神的形象出现。

    The company tries to project an image of being innovative and progressive .

  19. 我的秘书完全能够胜任她的工作,只是她进取心不强。

    My secretary is perfectly competent , but she doesn 't have much initiative .

  20. 一个人交运的时候,勇气,主意,进取心这些东西是何等重要啊!

    Nerve , ideas , aggressiveness , how these counted when one had luck !

  21. 一个有进取心的人会很坚强独立。

    An aggressive person feels strong and independent .

  22. 雇主说他缺乏进取心和干劲。

    His employer had described him as lacking in initiative and drive .

  23. 这个班里的每个人都积极能干、富有进取心。你必须得勤奋努力,才能脱颖而出!

    Everyone in this class is a go-getter – you 'll have to work hard to stand out !

  24. 例句他是一个非常有进取心的人,我觉得到年底他将成为总经理。

    He 's a real go-getter – he 'll be managing director by the end of the year .

  25. 狼图腾》是一部描写蒙古草原狼无畏、积极进取、强烈家族意识和团队精神的小说

    Wolf totem is a novel about wolves intrepidity , initiation , strong sense of kindred and group spirit . 《

  26. 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。

    Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity , of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease .

  27. 增强改革创新本领,保持锐意进取的精神风貌,善于结合实际创造性推动工作,善于运用互联网技术和信息化手段开展工作。

    We should be enterprising , work creatively in light of actual conditions , and adeptly apply information technology , including the internet , in our work .

  28. 要始终保持奋发有为的进取精神,永葆党的先进性和纯洁性,答好新时代的答卷。

    The CPC members should always maintain the enterprising spirit , ensure the Party 's purity and advanced nature , and pass the test of the new era .

  29. 这段对话可以有两种不同的解释,这要看X是胆怯的还是进取的。

    This conversation may have two different interpretations according as X is timid or aggressive .

  30. 菲利浦•苏在跳槽到Facebook之前,曾效力于微软12年。他认为,微软丧失原有魅力的根本原因在于,公司员工缺乏进取心。

    Philip Su , who spent a dozen years working at Microsoft before taking a job at Facebook , sees a less motivated workforce as a root cause of Microsoft 's lost mojo .