
  1. 如果心甘情愿只是爱的代价,其实也无可厚非。

    If willingness is just the price of love , it gives no ground for blame .

  2. “是的,我知道。”爸爸说,“不过这是爱的代价”

    " Yes , I know ," Dad said . " But that 's the price of love . "

  3. “孩子,你说得对,那的确令人伤心,”爸爸回答道,“可这正是爱的代价。”

    " You 're right about the hurt , son ," he answered ," but that 's the price of love . "

  4. 爱情是爱的真正代价。

    Love be the true price of love .

  5. 爱有高昂的代价,但不爱代价更高。

    Love can cost a lot but not loving always costs more .

  6. 我想知道你是否愿意,日复一日地面对因着爱而承受的代价,以及那不被接受、经受挫折而来的苦涩。

    I want to know if you are willing to live , day by day , with the consequence of love and the bitter unwanted passion of sure defeat .