
  • 网络Feeling;The feeling of love
  1. 爱的感觉,总是在一开始觉得很甜蜜。

    The feeling of love , always sweet in the beginning .

  2. 爱的感觉源自眼睛,

    The feeling of love starts from the eye .

  3. 我喜欢被重视,被尊重,被爱的感觉。

    I want to feel valued , respected , and loved .

  4. 让我们传递著情人节的讯息,也传发送爱的感觉。

    Valentine heart to heart , and conveys a loving touch .

  5. 你知道,这是我第一次有爱的感觉。

    It 's the first time for me , u know .

  6. 没有爱的感觉怎么维持婚姻关系?你说什么?

    How do you sustain a relationship without the Zsa Zsa ZSU ?

  7. 我对罗斯还有爱的感觉吗?

    I mean , do I still have loving feelings for Ross ?

  8. 各种形状和种类的小动物都能给人相伴和爱的感觉。

    Little creatures of all shapes and sizes can provide companionship and love .

  9. 真实的嫉妒总是增加爱的感觉。

    Real jealousy always increases the feeling of love .

  10. 爱的感觉从眼睛开始。

    The feeling of love starts from the eyes .

  11. 我重温了温柔的爱的感觉。

    I remembered what tender love felt like .

  12. 愿你拥有安全和被爱的感觉,要知道你是最棒的。

    May you always feel secure and loved , and know you are the best .

  13. 已经失去了爱的感觉?

    Lost that loving feeling ?

  14. 每个人都喜欢被爱的感觉。

    Everyone loves feeling loved .

  15. 亲爱的圣诞老人,我知道您很可爱,但是我有一种爱的感觉。

    Dear santa , I know that you are cute , but I have a feeling of love !

  16. 爱的感觉

    The Feeling of Love

  17. 所以,我们需要一些方法控制孤独的蔓延,重新找到爱的感觉。

    So small steps may be needed to control that loneliness to allow love back into your heart .

  18. 爱的感觉,美的渴望和创造的冲动来势汹汹。

    Feelings of love , a desire for beauty , and the urge to be creative are strong .

  19. 在分享秘密,宣布爱的感觉之前首先要赢得信任。

    Earn trust and require the other to earn theirs before sharing your secrets and declaring feelings of love .

  20. 深颜色同样能够创造出激动人心的别样氛围,组合上对比鲜明的装饰织物,二者交相辉映之下能够另居室散发出温馨有爱的感觉。

    Dark colours can create a dramatic atmosphere and , when teamed with contrasting fabrics , a sense of indulgence .

  21. 上帝按自己的形象创造了具有情感的我们,所以渴望被爱的感觉是合情合理的。

    God created us in His image to have emotions , so the longing to feel loved is legitimate and good .

  22. 他们发现爱的感觉会抑制大脑控制批判性思维区域的活跃性。

    They have found that feelings of love lead to a suppression of activity in the areas of the brain controlling critical thought .

  23. 猫能帮忙清除家里讨人厌的害虫和有害的小动物。任何种类及大小的小宠物都能带给人们相伴与爱的感觉。

    Cats can help rid the home of unwanted pests . Little creatures of all shapes and sizes can provide companionship and love .

  24. 答:对于维奥莱特来说,她与克拉更重逢时,内心更享受那种被爱的感觉,感觉自己是个妩媚动人的女人。

    A. With Violet , what she enjoyed from seeing Kuragin again was that sense of being loved , of being a desirable woman .

  25. 研究显示,通过观看恋人照片产生爱的感觉产生的止疼作用就和止疼药一样。

    The study showed that feelings of love , triggered by seeing a photo of one 's beloved , acted as a powerful pain killer .

  26. 我想当时我们之间还有一点爱的感觉,毕竟我们曾经爱过对方。

    I think there 's a bit of " feeling of love " that still exist between us , as a couple who once loved each other .

  27. 科学家和医生已经广泛宣称巧克力是一种可以通过释放化学元素从而增进爱的感觉的食物。

    Chocolate has been widely proclaimed by scientists and doctors as to be the food that increases the feeling of love , by releasing the required chemicals .

  28. 世界上所有的人都希欢被尊爱的感觉,在某种意义上我们都非常关心他人对自己的想法,除非眼不见为净。

    We all want a certain image of ourselves out there , and at some point we all do really care what other people think or we wouldn 't be here .

  29. 也许你只是喜欢被人爱的感觉吧,但是当失望来临的时候,你也许会因为你的贪婪,而被对方厌恶。

    Maybe you just like the feeling of being love it , but when the eve of the disappointment , you might be because your greedy , and the other was disgusted .

  30. 研究显示,通过观看恋人照片产生爱的感觉产生的止疼作用就和止疼药一样。研究还发现,如果观看的是一个熟悉有吸引力的人的照片,而这个人不是恋人的话,也不能产生一样止疼作用。

    The study showed that feelings of love , triggered by seeing a photo of one 's beloved , acted as a powerful pain killer . Focusing on a photo of an attractive acquaintance rather than a relationship partner did not have the same benefit 。