
  • 网络If You Say;If U Say
  1. 如果你说你是女权主义者,好多人都会愣住。

    A lot of people 's eyes glaze over if you say you are a feminist .

  2. 如果你说"设定咖啡加热时间",它会回答"请说出时间"。

    If you say " Set the coffee heating time " , it will answer " Please say the time " .

  3. 如果你说的是五百万,那就差不多了。

    If you said five million you 'd be in the ballpark .

  4. 这句谚语也可以这样说:例句我爷爷很有智慧,他以前总和我说:“如果你说不出好话,就什么也不要说。”

    My grandfather was a very wise man , and he always used to tell me : ‘ If you can 't say anything nice , don 't say anything at all ' .

  5. 如果你说iceaperson,意思是说你杀了他。

    If you " ice " a person , you killed him .

  6. 上世纪20年代,,如果你说“”goingtoseeamanaboutadog”,你并不是去寻找一只等待营救的小狗;

    In the 1920s , if you were " going to see a man about a dog , " you weren 't looking for a rescue pup ;

  7. 当然不错,可如果你说“You'reinthepink!”就妙得多了。

    You 're in the pink !

  8. 如果你说,“However,IwillforgetyouifImeetsomeoneelse”(译为“然而,如果遇见别人,我会忘记你”)在这种情况下,“however”就是一个修饰语。

    If you say , " However , I will forget you if I meet someone else , " you obviously are using " however " like a qualifier .

  9. 比如说,如果你说一个人的坏话,这个人会抗议说:“Donotbadmouthme(不要诋毁我)”

    For example , if you say bad things about a person , the person might protest and say " Do not bad mouth me . "

  10. 不管你说什么他都要更正你。Larry,如果你说得对呢?比如你说地球是圆的?

    Because Ron is such a know-it-all , you can 't say a word without him correcting you or arguing with you .

  11. 但如果你说,把小窗口x加入到我的购物车里,我的账单地址是“abc”,接着结帐,你不考虑如何做这些事情,那么你就有了模块化测试套件的组成部分。

    But if you say , add widget x to my shopping cart , add my billing address " abc ", and checkout , without regard to how you do those things , then you have the building blocks for a modular test suite .

  12. 如果你说太多,别人就懒得听了。

    If you talk too much , people will stop listening .

  13. 如果你说是你成为俘虏。

    If you speak is that you become the prisoner .

  14. 如果你说的是招供,那我们还是要招供的。

    If you mean confessing , we 're bound to do that .

  15. 如果你说得柔和一些,听起来会好点儿。

    Maybe if you say it softer , it 'll sound better .

  16. 如果你说它是存在的,那么它就是存在的。

    And ifyou say it is certain , then it is certain .

  17. 如果你说是因为你在为我工作。

    And if you say it 's because you work for me .

  18. 如果你说的是我妻子,是的。

    If by that you mean my wife , yes .

  19. 如果你说的是真的把证据拿出来!

    Give me proof that what you say is true !

  20. 如果你说对不起,她很可能会原谅你的。

    She 'll probably forgive you if you say you 're sorry .

  21. 任何事情都是无用的;如果你说

    There is no use in anything ; if you say

  22. 如果你说的是真的如果我杀了他

    If it were true , if I killed him ,

  23. 如果你说没有,那是在自欺欺人。

    If you say otherwise , youre lying to yourself .

  24. 如果你说不的话,我除了杀掉你就别无选择了。

    Ifyou say no , I have no choice but to kill you .

  25. 只有现在,如果你说不去,会后悔的。

    Theres only now and if you dont go , youll regret it .

  26. 如果你说出来,“他们说,”我俩肯定挨揍。

    If you tell ," they say ," we will get a whip-ping .

  27. 如果你说的情况属实

    If what you say about thom is true ,

  28. 8,如果你说不知道,只能说明你在逃避。

    If you say you dont know , that means you are shirking .

  29. 如果你说不,我倒是有点怀疑。

    If you had said no , then I 'd be really suspicious .

  30. 如果你说我太逼人了,那我会停止。

    If you tell me I 'm coming close , I will stop .