
ài hù ɡōnɡ wù
  • take good care of public property
  1. 爱护公物,人人有责。

    It is everybody 's duty to take good care of public property .

  2. 珍惜他人的劳动果实,自觉爱护公物。

    Value the labor and take care of school property .

  3. 爱护公物,请勿损坏乘座舱内的设施。

    Take care of public facilities . Do not damage furnishings in the cabin .

  4. 这位战士爱护公物,给我们所有的人做出了好榜样。

    The soldier took good care of public property and set a good example to all of us .

  5. 爱护公物,珍惜资源,勤俭节约,共同发展。

    Protect public assets ; treasure resources , be diligent & thrifty , and be committed to common development .