
  • 网络The tobacco industry
  1. 烟草业成功逃过了最严峻的法律质疑。

    The tobacco industry escaped unscathed from its toughest legal challenge .

  2. 他成了烟草业的强烈反对者。

    He became a fierce critic of the tobacco industry

  3. 这是一个很强烈的信息,我希望烟草业能明白无误地听到。

    The message is a powerful one , and I hope it will be heard loud and clear by the tobacco industry .

  4. 中国加入WTO对云南烟草业的影响

    Influence of China 's Entry into WTO on Yunnan Tobacco Industry

  5. 加入WTO后中国烟草业发展对策研究

    Study on the Developing Strategy of China 's Tobacco Industry after Its Entry into WTO

  6. 摩尔先生是ACT的前卫生部长,他说,这种做法是否是促销宣传可能会受到质疑,但这种做法突出了烟草业不顾一切的系列最新策略。

    Mr Moore , a former ACT health minister , said it might be questioned whether the ploy was promotional , but highlighted the industry 's latest of a series of desperate tactics .

  7. 运用SCP分析方法分析了烟草业经济性规制现状、存在的主要问题及原因。

    Through SCP analysis to find out the tobacco industry regulation economic status , the main problems and causes .

  8. 分析人士们说,如果FDA获得管理烟草业的授权的话,位于弗吉尼亚里士满的菲利普莫里斯美国公司肯定会受益。

    Analysts have said Richmond , Va. - based Philip Morris USA stands to benefit if the FDA receives the authority to regulate the tobacco industry .

  9. 今天,中国烟草业不但要遵守WTO的规则,还要面对世界卫生组织推动的《烟草控制框架公约》(FCTC)谈判取得重大进展带来的冲击。

    Today , China 's tobacco industry must abide by the rules of WTO , while the negotiation of FCTC has a big impact on China 's tobacco industry .

  10. 中国加入WTO后,国内烟草业将逐步开放市场,垄断优势逐渐减弱,市场竞争日益激烈。

    Along with China entry WTO , the internal tobacco market will open and monopolization advantage will weaken , market competition becomes increasingly intensive Tobacco distribution enterprise is regard as monopolistic enterprise under the special seller and management policy of our country .

  11. 金叶奖是由《烟业通讯》杂志举办,并由BMJ赞助的一个国际烟草业大奖。

    The Golden Leaf Awards is an international tobacco industry honor hosted by Tobacco Reporter magazine and sponsored by BMJ .

  12. 香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)宣称,坚定领导和果断行动的时代已经到来,他雇了一名一流的美国烟草业游说人士,来戳穿有关香港空气质量的无端谣言。

    Declaring that the time has come for firm leadership and decisive action , Donald Tsang , Hong Kong 's chief executive , hires a top US tobacco industry lobbyist to put an end to baseless rumours about the territory 's air quality .

  13. 烟草业早已将世卫组织视为其最大敌人。

    This industry has long described WHO as its biggest enemy .

  14. 烟草业是我国极为重要的国税收入行业。

    Tobacco industry is an extremely important revenue in our country .

  15. 烟草业要跻身世界烟草跨国集团的行列;

    Its tobacco should be among the strong transnational groups ;

  16. 印度烟草业的外商投资长久以来一直是一个有争议的话题。

    Foreign investments in Indian tobacco have long been a contentious issue .

  17. 麦里认为这才是烟草业面对的主要威胁。

    Mr Maile sees this as the main threat to the business .

  18. 而这正是烟草业希望看到的结果。

    This is exactly what the tobacco industry wants .

  19. 每年弗吉尼亚烟草业创造数亿美元的收入。

    The Virginia tobacco industry generates hundreds of millions of dollars each year .

  20. 他说,烟草业甚至把年轻人变成了活烟草广告。

    He says the industry has even converted young people into walking billboards .

  21. 为什么烟草业要紧盯青少年和青年人?

    Why does the tobacco industry need to catch teenagers and young adults ?

  22. 烟草业通过广告、促销和赞助特别将青年女性定为为目标。

    The tobacco industry specifically targets young females through advertising , promotion and sponsorship .

  23. 烟草业销售软弱。

    Sales are weak for tobacco industry .

  24. 烟草业越来越多地采用有创造力的策略来扩大其产品销售。

    The tobacco industry uses increasingly creative tactics to boost the sale of its products .

  25. 第四,从产业链的视角来研究烟草业改革;

    Fourthly , we have studied the cigarette industry reform in terms of industry chain ;

  26. 但罗克森女士说,为保护自己的品牌,烟草业什么都会说。

    But Ms Roxon says the tobacco industry will say anything to protect its branding .

  27. 烟草业因此强烈抵制烟草税也就不足为奇。

    It comes as no surprise that taxes are fiercely resisted by the tobacco industry .

  28. 作为监督者,监测烟草业的包装策略以及遵守法定警示要求的情况。

    Act as a watchdog to monitor tobacco-industry packaging strategies and compliance with statutory warnings .

  29. 在烟草业寻找商机的许多目标中,女性是最主要的目标。

    Among the industry 's many targets of opportunity , women constitute one of the biggest .

  30. 除了津巴布韦烟草业与营销委员会之外,还有其他的合同商向烟农供应投入物资。

    Apart from TIMB , there are other contractors who have supplied inputs to tobacco farmers .