
yān xiá
  • clouds and mist in twilight;scenery with hills and waters
烟霞 [yān xiá]
  • [mist and clouds in the twilight] 烟雾和云霞,也指山水胜景

  1. 看!太阳被笼罩在一片金色烟霞中。

    Look ! The sun is surrounded by a golden haze .

  2. 受卢碧的外围下沉气流影响,未来数天香港将会天晴并有烟霞。

    LUPIT 's subsidence will bring fine and hazy weather to Hong Kong in the next few days .

  3. 君是烟霞妾为尘&20世纪40年代弃妇形象分析

    You , Noble as the Smoke and Rosy Cloud in the Twilight , whereas I , Humble as Dust & The Images of Deserted Women in the Period of Forties of 20 ~ ( th ) Century