- mourning hall

[mourning hall] 安放灵柩、遗体或骨灰盒的房屋
The mourning hall is full of wreaths , and on all the walls elegiac scrolls are hung .
When Genghis Khan passed away , the memorial ceremony for him was held in his mourning hall , which was also called the Eight White Palaces .
Women invited to join the crying in the room where the coffin was placed .
The chief was so hospitable that he invited his guests to join him in the Hall of Ancestors .
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But how many generations of the women who had gone to her making had descended bandaged to the family vault ?
When Zi Gong arrived , he saw men Zifan and Ziqin Zhang playing music and singing the song that they themselves composed in the morning hall .
The man 's relatives were in a Buddhist mourning hall , reciting prayers over the dead body , when it gasped and woke up , the Shanghai Daily reports .
Sticking to his low-key manner , Chen left instructions that no wake will be held and no shrine with his portrait will be set up for him after his passing .
It looked more like a warehouse than the Norse god Odin 's grand hall for fallen warriors , but that may have been because on Unst at least , Valhalla is a craft brewery .
The mourning hall is crowed with relatives and friends of the deceased . All people are mourning the death . The hospital social worker eventually came to assume he had been killed in combat .