
  1. 《灵宪》的天文学成就如下:

    The astronomical achievements of Lang Xian are as follows :

  2. 《灵宪》一文,全面地体现了他在天文学上的成就。

    His publication Ling Xian ( Mystical Laws ) summarized his achievements in astronomy .

  3. 《灵宪》是中国古代天文学史上最杰出的天文学著作之一,也是中国天文学发展的一个里程碑。

    Ling Xian , is one of the most outstanding astronomic works in the history of ancient Chinese astronomy , represents a milestone in the development of Chinese astronomy .

  4. 关于天地的生成问题,《灵宪》认为天地万物是从原始的浑沌未分的元气发展来的。这种天体演化思想,是从物质运动的本身来说明宇宙的形成,认为宇宙结构不是亘古不变的,而是不断发展变化的。

    In terms of the formation of the heaven and earth , Ling Xian believes that the heaven . the earth , and all the other things have their origins in primitive and chaotic yuanqi ( vi-tality ) . ft further holds that , instead of staying permanently unchanged , the struc-ture of the cosmos is constantly developing .