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  • Confucianism
儒教 [rú jiào]
  • [Confucianism] 儒家学派。又称孔教。从南北朝开始叫做儒教,跟佛教、道教并称为三教。参看儒家

儒教[rú jiào]
  1. 她成长的时代,儒教盛行,本地Mandarin最大。

    She grew up at a time when Confucianism was the social norm and the local mandarin was the person who mattered .

  2. 世界伦理构想下的儒教问题思考

    Considerations on Confucianism under the Idea of " World Ethic "

  3. 中国人信奉儒教,讲顺从孝顺

    The Chinese Augustinian teach , speaking the amenability filial piety .

  4. 托尔斯泰相信并欣赏中国的儒教、道教、佛教。

    Tolstoy believed in and appreciated the Chinese Confucianism , Taoism .

  5. 儒教自身是制度性与分散性的混合体,规定着中国传统城市的阶层化信仰。

    Confucianism is a mixture of institutional religion and distributed religious .

  6. 如何推进儒教伦理与基督教伦理的融合

    How to Accelerate the Convergence of Confucian Ethics and that of Christianity

  7. 居民多信奉佛教、儒教、基督教徒。

    Religion : Buddhism , Confucianism , and Christianity are widely practiced .

  8. 儒教文化与韩国现代社会

    The Confucianist Culture and the Modern Society of South Korea

  9. 中国的哲学思想主要是以儒教、道教、佛教各学说为代表的哲学思想,这三家思想对意境理论的形成肯定有一定的影响。

    Chinese philosophic ideology is mainly represented by Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism .

  10. 儒教在香港宗教中的制衡作用

    The Conditioning and Balancing Function of Confucianism among the Religions in Hong Kong

  11. 宋代新儒教哲学述论

    A Discussion on Neo-Confucian Religious Philosophy in Song Dynasty

  12. 儒教将对家庭及朋友的忠诚置于首位。

    Confucianism puts loyalty to family and friends first .

  13. 孔子的思想形成了一套被称为“儒教”的哲学体系。

    Confucius'thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism .

  14. 越来越多的西方人对儒教产生兴趣。

    More and more westerners show interest in Confucianism .

  15. 20世纪中国儒教的展开

    The Outspreading of Chinese Confucianism in the 20th Century

  16. 中国哲学的气论与儒教

    Confucianism and The Theory of Qi in Chinese Philosophy

  17. 儒教非宗教&与李申教授商榷

    Confucianism Is Not a Religion-Deliberation with Prof. Li Shen

  18. 目前韩国是世界上儒教传统保留得最多的一个国家。

    At present Korea has the most of Confucian tradition in the world .

  19. 东亚经济危机之后反思儒教假说

    Reflecting hypothesis of Confucianism after the East-Asian economic crisis

  20. 这就建构了中国儒教的社会学意义。

    This builds sociology meaning of constructing Chinese Confucianism .

  21. 准确地说呀,应该是佛教、道教、儒教三教并存。

    To be more precise , Buddhism , Taoism and Confucianism coexist here .

  22. 类似的想法存在于佛教和儒教。

    Similar thoughts exist in Buddhism and Confucianism .

  23. 泰国北部各民族中的儒教传统

    Confucian Traditions among Hill Tribes in Northern Thailand

  24. 韩国儒教的历史和现状

    The History and Present Condition of Korean Confucianism

  25. 论儒教伦理观对道教美学的影响

    The Influence of Confucian Ethics upon Taoist Aesthetics

  26. 秩序宗教与生命宗教&对汉晋儒教、道教产生和基本功能的考察

    Confucianism as a Political Religion and Taoism as a Vital Religion during Han-Jin Periods

  27. 对日本儒教特征的再诠释

    A Reinterpretation of Confucian Characteristics in Japan

  28. 越南道教比儒教和佛教的势力要小一些,但是它却有着多方面的影响

    Vietnamese Taoism has less influence than Confucianism and Buddhism , but it influences more aspects

  29. 论儒教伦理的缺陷及其与儒教天道观的关系

    On The Defect of The Confucian Ethic and Its Relation To The Heaven-Worship of Confucianism

  30. 儒教宗教论的再讨论&中国宗教社会学的视角

    The Re-discussion on Confucianism for Religion : From an Approach of Chinese Sociology of Religion