
  • 网络incentive compensation;incentive pay
  1. 运用激励薪酬方案加强医院人力资源的管理浅谈工资薪酬在经营管理中的激励机制

    Using Incentive Pay System to Strengthen the Management of Hospital Human Resources

  2. 奖金和激励薪酬方案的简单化理由越来越站不住脚。

    The simplistic case for bonus and incentive pay schemes grows ever weaker .

  3. 同时,使EVA红利计划与公司目前的激励薪酬体系相互衔接。

    Simultaneously , the EVA dividend plan is accorded with the current salary-incentive system of the company .

  4. CEO薪酬和独立董事比率正相关,外部董事有利于促进CEO激励薪酬的采用,并且外部董事比例和激励薪酬之间存在正相关关系。

    CEO pay is positively related to the ratio of independent directors , outside directors help to promote the adoption of CEO incentive compensation , and the proportion of outside directors and incentive compensation are positively correlated .

  5. 本文以研发团队为对象,探讨了其激励薪酬制度的设计问题。

    The article focuses on the incentive compensation of R & D team .

  6. 商洛邮政储蓄人员激励薪酬研究

    A Study on Incentive Rewards for the Staff of Postal Savings in Shangluo City

  7. 团队激励薪酬模式研究

    The Study on the Team Incentive Compensation Mode

  8. 而要设计有效的经营者激励薪酬计划的前提是要选取适当的企业业绩评价指标。

    The precondition to design an effective managers ' inspiritingcompensation plan is to select appropriate performance indexes .

  9. 对员工来说,股权收购要约让他们得以卖出作为激励薪酬的股票。

    For employees , tender offers allow them to sell the shares they receive as incentive pay .

  10. 激励薪酬“今年对股东要比对管理层有利得多”,她表示。

    Incentive pay " will work a lot better for shareholders than management this year , " she said .

  11. 本文拟对商洛市邮政局的激励薪酬分配管理研究,解决企业现行分配制度对邮政储蓄从业人员激励不足的问题。

    The thesis studies the existing problems and solutions in the incentive rewards management for the staff of postal savings in Shangluo city .

  12. 然后,本文考察了知识团队的薪酬管理,提出知识团队激励薪酬制度,并对知识团队的绩效评价体系的建立进行了针对性的分析。

    Then the paper analyses the management of knowledge team 's salary , and the operating mechanism of knowledge team inspiring salary is concluded .

  13. 如果奖金或“激励薪酬”方案对高管和银行家如此有效,为什么不让大家都得到这些?

    If bonus or " incentive pay " schemes work so well for senior executives and bankers , why does everyone not get them ?

  14. 但如果不能,一般的结论是,结果越难衡量和监测,激励薪酬方案就越不可取。

    But if not , the general conclusion is that incentive pay schemes are less desirable the harder it is to measure and monitor outcomes .

  15. 效率工资,就是企业或其他组织支付给员工的比市场出清水平高得多的工资以促使员工努力工作的一种激励薪酬制度。

    Efficiency wage is a kind of incentive compensation system which the enterprise or other organizations pay the employees much higher than the market clearing levels .

  16. 短期激励薪酬对应的是人力资本价值实现过程中的价值创造环节,它是依据高管工作中为企业创造价值的多少而获得的一部分报酬。

    Short-term incentive compensation is corresponding to the process of value creation , which is appraised on the value that the executives have created for the enterprises during their work .

  17. 尽管他们提出了警告,但英国教育界还是推出了激励薪酬制度,尽管是通过学校检查标准和国家目标间接推行的;

    Despite their warning , we have , of course , ended up with incentive pay in education in the UK , albeit indirectly via school inspection criteria and national targets ;

  18. 制定公平和竞争性的激励薪酬和福利制度,可以吸引人才,留住人才,进而培养和使用好人才。

    The establishment of system of prompting salary and welfare which filled with justice and competition , can attract , retain , develop and make full use of person of ability .

  19. 美联储表示,对于多数银行机构而言,采用统一公式使员工激励薪酬安排具有合适的风险敏感度,可能会激励至少一部分员工承担过度风险。

    The Fed said that for most banking organisations , the use of a single formulaic approach to making employee incentive compensation arrangements appropriately risk sensitive is likely to provide at least some employees with incentives to take excessive risks .

  20. 知识型员工的自助式薪酬要素分为八大类:基本工资、短期激励薪酬、长期激励薪酬、福利、附加薪酬、工作发展报酬、生活质量报酬和特殊假期报酬。

    Knowledge employees ' cafeteria compensation factors can be divided in eight catalogues ; they are base pay , short-term incentive compensation , long-term incentive compensation , benefits , accessional pay , career development pay , life quality pay and special holiday pay . 4 .

  21. 本文认为飞行员薪酬构成应包括间接薪酬和直接薪酬,其中间接薪酬由福利保障、带薪休假和服务与津贴构成,而直接薪酬由基本薪酬、绩效薪酬和激励薪酬构成。

    The article holds that pilots ' income should be composed of direct pay and indirect pay . The indirect pay is made up of welfare assurance , paid holidays and allowance . While the direct pay consists of basic pay , performance pay and incentive pay .

  22. 正如这两位经济学家指出的那样,如果你使用激励薪酬让教师提高学生的测试成绩,那么测试分数将会提高,但其他可取但不可衡量的品质(比如求知欲,或者对艺术的探索)将被忽视。

    As the two economists note , if you use incentive pay to get teachers , say , to raise pupils " test scores , the test scores will go up , but other desirable , unmeasurable attributes such as intellectual curiosity or exploration of the arts will suffer .

  23. 再次,在参照激励性薪酬体系的设计原则和基本流程的基础上,设计DB药业公司激励性的薪酬体系,并提出了对此薪酬方案的实施建议。

    Thirdly , in reference to the design of incentive compensation system on the basis of principles and basic processes , the article DB pharmaceutical company incentive pay system and puts forward suggestions on the implementation of this pay scheme .

  24. 校院两级管理条件下激励性薪酬模式的探讨

    Analysis about encouragement salary pattern under two-level management by university and school

  25. 员工激励;薪酬管理;绩效。

    Employee is stimulated ; Salary payment is managed ; Achievement effect .

  26. 长春卷烟厂核心员工激励型薪酬研究

    Research on the Incentive Compensation of Core Employees in Changchun Cigarette Factory

  27. 委托代理激励中薪酬方案的模糊方法研究

    Research on Fuzzy Method of Compensation Program in Principal-agent Problem

  28. 项目团队激励性薪酬体系设计

    The Design of Incentive Compensation System to Project Team

  29. 激励性薪酬制度对医院核心竞争力的影响

    Influence of Incentive Salary System on Hospital Core Competitiveness

  30. 信息、绩效评估与高管层激励性薪酬

    Information 、 performance evaluation and incentive salary of governor