
  • 网络incentive contract
  1. 物流合作中最优专用性投资的激励契约设计

    The Incentive Contract Design for Optimization Specific Investment in Logistics Cooperation

  2. 基于道德风险的独立学院教师激励契约设计

    Incentive Contract Design about Independent College Teachers Based on Moral Hazard

  3. 存货质押业务中银行对物流企业的最优激励契约

    Bank 's Optimal Incentive Contracts with Logistics Enterprises in Inventory Financing

  4. 绩效标准差异、声誉异质性与激励契约设计

    Performance Standards Difference , Reputation Heterogeneity and Design of Incentive Contracts

  5. 组织内人工设计的激励契约不完备性与履约障碍

    Artificially-designed incentive contracts ' incompletion and executing difficulty in organization

  6. 风险资本联合投资的激励契约设计

    The Design of Incentive Contracts about Syndication in Venture Capital

  7. 减少国有企业代理人腐败的激励契约分析

    The Analysis of Contract to Reduce State-owned Enterprise Agent Corruption

  8. 会计信息与经理人激励契约设计

    Accounting Information and the Design of Managers ' Incentive Contract

  9. 信息共享程度对物流外包激励契约的影响

    Affections of Information Sharing for Incentive Contracts in Logistics Outsourcing

  10. 期货经纪公司的最优激励契约模型决策

    Models of Optimal Contract for Motivation for Futures Brokerage Companies

  11. 负债与现金股利共存于激励契约的模型推演

    The Ratiocination of the Incentive Contracts Including Debt and Dividend

  12. 考虑基金经理过度自信的最优激励契约

    Optimal incentive contract based on overconfidence of investment fund manager

  13. 不对称信息下供应链最优激励契约的设计

    The Supply Chain Optimal Contract Design under Asymmetrical Information

  14. 代建制下业主激励契约的博弈分析

    Analysis Based on Game Theory for Owners Incentive Contract of Construction Agent System

  15. 国有经营者激励契约的博弈分析

    The Analysis of the Game on the Incentive Contract of State-owned Enterprise Managers

  16. 我国经理人市场激励契约设计与效率研究

    The Study of Design and Efficiency of Incentive Contract of China Handler Market

  17. 供应链委托代理激励契约问题分析

    Analysis of Supply Chain Principal - Agent Incentive Contract

  18. 国有企业经营者最优激励契约设计

    Design of optimum incentive agreement of state-owned enterprise operators

  19. 非对称信息下分销渠道中的激励契约设计

    Incentive contract design in distribution channel with asymmetric information

  20. 改进线性激励契约的曲率

    The Curvature Improving on the Linear Incentive Contract

  21. 组织中激励契约设计的经济学思考

    Economic Thinking about Designing Incentive Contracts in Organization

  22. 高级管理人员激励契约研究

    Study of the Incentive Contracts of Top Management

  23. 公司管理层激励契约,从来都是各种契约的集合。

    The company management incentive contracts are a series of contract of the set .

  24. 战略网络结点企业激励契约的设计研究

    Study of the Strategic Network Incentive Contract Design

  25. 第四部分分析我国目前最优股权激励契约设计的基本原则。

    The last is a research on how to design the best share incentive contract .

  26. 基金经理人相对业绩激励契约

    Fund Managers ′ Relative Performance-Based Incentive Contract

  27. 会计信息与管理者报酬激励契约研究综述

    On Remuneration Incentives for Managers Accounting Information and the Managerial Compensation Contracts : A Literature Review

  28. 紧急订单成本信息不对称下的激励契约设计

    Contract under the Asymmetric Cost Information

  29. 我们规定了一个二阶多项式的激励契约与一个两状态的噪声分布。

    We prescribe a incentive contract of two order polynomial and a two-state distribution of noise .

  30. 对企业经营者的激励契约问题进行研究,具有重要的现实意义。

    The study on the incentive contract with enterprise managers is of enormous theoretical and practical significance .