
  • 网络Satisfaction survey;Employee Satisfaction Survey;ACSI
  1. 结合这一背景,LAMP技术,设计了B/S架构的员工满意度调查系统。

    LAMP technology , employee satisfaction survey of the B / S architecture system design .

  2. 通过满意度调查发现:B培训学院的整体满意度得分较高,但是个别指标,个别课程存在很大的改进空间。

    Through the satisfaction survey we found that : B training institute overall satisfaction score is high , but individual indexes and individual course are still have a lot of improvement room .

  3. 近视患者LASIK手术动机及术后满意度调查

    Investigation of motivation and postoperative degree of satisfaction in myopic patient after LASIK

  4. 济南市BRT乘客特性和满意度调查分析

    Survey and Analysis on Passengers ' Characteristic and Satisfaction Degree of Jinan BRT

  5. 该公司表示,内部客户满意度调查显示,食物的分数有所提高,并且该公司仍在继续推进其称之为高空美食(HeightCuisine)的项目。

    Internal customer-satisfaction surveys score food higher , the airline says , and it is continuing what it calls its ' Height Cuisine ' effort .

  6. 现成的证据是,据全球市场资讯公司JDPowerandAssociates进行的顾客满意度调查显示,苹果iPhone手机已经连续六次位居榜首。

    Case in point : the iPhone has ranked # 1 in JD Power and associates ' customer satisfaction survey & six consecutive times .

  7. 同样在最近,英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)发布了英国各地个人福祉排行榜。该排行榜的依据是对16.5万人的生活满意度调查。

    Also this week , the Office for National Statistics published its geographical league table of personal wellbeing in the UK , compiled by quizzing 165000 people on how satisfied they are with life .

  8. 医务人员工作满意度调查及需求分析STD门诊医务人员工作环境及现状分析

    Influencing Factors and Investigation Job Satisfaction in Hospital ; Survey of Medical Environment and Status of the Staff in STD Clinic

  9. 企业QMS业绩的重要测量手段&谈顾客满意度调查

    Customer Satisfication Survey , an Important Measurement of QMS Achievement

  10. 华威大学(WarwickUniversity)经济学教授安德鲁·奥斯瓦尔德(AndrewOswald)基于生活满意度调查提供了如下数据点,供我们思考。

    Andrew Oswald , professor of economics at Warwick University , provides the following data points to ponder , based on surveys of life-satisfaction .

  11. 通过TOP集团人力资源调查分析和员工满意度调查,剖析了人力资源管理中存在的问题和成因,提出了解决问题的办法,即人力资源规划。

    Through survey of human resources structure and staff satisfaction , the article analyses problems and reasons of human resources management in TOP Group Company . On the basis of that , the article gives the solution to the problems .

  12. 再次,通过薪酬满意度调查对PT公司薪酬体系现状进行了描述与分析,找出存在问题,指出采用能力薪酬的必要性。

    Again , pay satisfaction survey by the company on the PT pay system description and analysis of current situation , identify problems , that ability to pay with the need .

  13. 第二部分是通过员工工作满意度调查问卷测量SD公司员工的工作满意度现状,分析了不同人口特征的员工在员工工作满意度各维度上的差异性。

    The second part measures the differences on the various dimensions of employee job satisfaction . It analyzes the employees ' aesthesis about the dimensions of job satisfaction with different characteristics .

  14. 然后,从企业文化背景分析和员工满意度调查入手,提出了基于企业和谐(BasedonEnterpriseHarmony,BEH)的绩效考核体系的思路与框架。

    Then , from the analysis of corporate culture and employee satisfaction surveys to start , put forward based on the enterprise harmony ( Based on Enterprise Harmony , BEH ) the idea of performance appraisal system and framework .

  15. 通过对XF公司进行员工满意度调查,从多角度、全方位地分析和评价了该公司员工的满意度;

    The table had been used to determine the satisfaction degree of employees in XF Co. from all angles .

  16. 在客户满意度调查中应用SERVQUAL方法可以全面了解客户对于服务中的各个方面的具体评价。

    Through the survey of the customer satisfaction in the application of SERVQUAL method , fully understanding of customers ' specific evaluation of services .

  17. 基于Kano模型的满意度调查,则主要探讨了轴承企业如何开展基于Kano模型的关键质量特性的优化配置的调查。

    Then the CS based on Kano 's model is studied . The quality attribute investigation about bearing enterprise is analyzed at last .

  18. 在借鉴既有研究成果的基础上,根据研究对象的特点编制了高校教师ERG需求调查问卷和工作满意度调查问卷,并在湖南省内的综合性大学发放了问卷。

    On the basis of previous studies , combined with the characteristics of the study object , I compiled two questionnaires , and then distributed questionnaires in the comprehensive universities of Hunan province .

  19. 自1935年美国学者Hoppock的经典研究:JobSatisfaction以来,工作满意度调查研究得到了人们的普遍关注,并成为组织诊断和管理激励的重要指标。

    Since the classic research of " Job Satisfaction " in 1935 by the American scholar Hoppock , the job satisfaction research has been gaining much attention , and has become an important index for organization diagnosis and administrative stimulation .

  20. 其次,通过薪酬满意度调查,以及对LC公司薪酬体系现行状况的描述与分析,发现其在对外竞争力,对内公平性和薪酬激励方面存在的问题。

    Second , it analyzes the problem of current compensation system , such as external competitiveness , internal equity and salary incentives , points out the limitations of it , which based on the investigation of the satisfaction of the current compensation system .

  21. 本文以TE培训学校为研究对象,首先介绍相关薪酬理论知识和现代薪酬设计的发展趋势,结合学校教师薪酬体系的现状,对学校教师薪酬进行满意度调查。

    This paper studies on TE training school , first introduces the development trend of related salary theories and salary design , combines with the status of the school teachers ' pay system and then makes a satisfaction survey of school teachers ' salaries .

  22. 通过对安盛咨询公司员工的满意度调查和离职员工面谈分析,以及SGI公司2000年度全球范围的员工需求调查,归纳总结了知识型员工所具有的一些特点。

    Through Anderson Consulting Company 's employees satisfaction survey , their resignation analysis , and the study results of SGI global survey about employee needs , I have tried to conclude what knowledge workers are and what they actually expect .

  23. 康复期精神病病人的满意度调查

    A survey of satisfaction degree of psychosis patients in convalescence stage

  24. 住院患者满意度调查最佳时间的探讨

    Study on Best Time of Investigating Inpatient ′ s Satisfaction Rate

  25. 图书馆用户满意度调查的问卷设计

    The Questionnaire Design of Investigation of Library User 's Satisfaction Rate

  26. 柏拉图在病人满意度调查中的应用

    Application of Pareto Chart in survey of satisfaction degree of patients

  27. 医疗设备售后服务满意度调查的方法探讨

    Methods of Customer Satisfaction Investigation on After-sale Service for Medical Equipment

  28. 手术室护士工作需求及满意度调查分析

    A survey on work demands and satisfaction among operating room nurses

  29. 大学生身高、体重及身体满意度调查

    Investigation on College Students ' Height , Weight and Body Satisfaction

  30. 雇员持股的连锁超市会让人与顾客满意度调查相联系。

    Shop at chains that are employee-owned , suggest customer-satisfaction surveys .