
  • 网络Full warehouse;full houses
  1. 粮食满仓。

    The granary is bursting with grain .

  2. 粮食堆满仓,果子堆成山。

    Storehouses are bursting with grain , and fruit is piled high on the ground .

  3. “福满仓”TM是您最好的选择。

    " Fu Mang Cang " TM is your best choice .

  4. 主井提升机满仓保护改造

    Remaking the full storehouse protection of hoist of main well

  5. 可以满仓,但不要借一分钱。

    You can be full in stock , but never borrow any penny .

  6. 气动式满仓与卸空报警系统。

    Float-operated high and low level alarm system .

  7. 水稻新品种满仓515的育成与实践意义

    A Newly Bred Rice Variety

  8. 不过,他只是刚开始买入,而且也没有满仓。

    He is only starting to buy , however , and has not deployed all the cash he has available .

  9. 亚洲大米满仓,有利的天气条件加上政府支持农民的举措使水稻获得了丰收。

    Asia is awash in rice , as favorable weather and government support for farmers combine to produce a bumper crop .

  10. 拉低一支绩优股持续下跌,对冲基金就能从快速换手中获利,而不必始终保持满仓操作。

    Keeping a great stock down allows them to profit from quick predetermined trades rather than being fully invested all the time .

  11. 利用有限元分析软件对所建的单仓和群仓模型在空仓和满仓工况下进行了地震作用模态分析。

    Using finite element software to build the model of single and group silos in empty and full conditions for earthquake modal analysis .

  12. 春光明媚,鸟语花香,夏日炎炎,夜短昼长,秋天丰收,谷果满仓,冬飘瑞雪,新年在望。

    Spring is gay with flower and song , Summer is hot and the days are long , Autumn is rich with fruit and grain , Winter brings snow and the New Year again .

  13. 通过复员军人满仓和农村少女兰英喜剧性的恋爱纠缠,批判农村青年中不安于农业劳动的思想。

    Through describing the comedies love imbroglio between the ex-serviceman Manchang and the rural girl Lan ying , the film cruticizes the thought of some of the rural youths who can 't be content with the farming working .

  14. 分析单仓和群仓结构分别在空仓和满仓状态下的动力特性(自振周期、频率、振型),并分析筒仓结构在低频率和高频率时的运动形态。

    Dynamic characteristic and response ( the vibration period , frequency , modal ) of the single silo and group silos in empty and full conditions are analyzed . And analysis to movement patterns of silo structures at low frequency and high frequency is also performed . 3 .