- a full, formal banquet, combining Manchurian and Chinese delicacies

Perhaps dieters are seeking out their shunned treats in regular nightly escapes .
The Production , Management and Present Research of Ching and Han Royal Dynasty Feast
The most sumptuous feast - Man Han Feast , has as many as 108 dishes.Soup is usually the last dish .
By the introduction of Man-Hanquanxi 's source and present status quo , the analysis of it 's characteristics , this article has demonstrated that Man-Hanquanxi itself is only a cultural phenomenon .
The dinner for Gauck was composed of dishes such as fried lion 's mane mushroom , sweet and sour ribs , and smoked sausage , reported Beijing Youth Daily on its public account on social networking platform WeChat .
There have been several drama series of this kind in the US , Japan and South Korea , and Chinese films in this category include Eat , Drink , Man Woman , God of Cookery and The Chinese Feast .