
  • 网络swelling
  1. 发现PVC糊的凝胶化是由增塑剂对PVC树脂的溶胀作用所引起的并受增塑剂的种类和用量的影响。混合增塑剂可用来调节PVC糊的凝胶化性能。

    It has been found that gelation of PVC plastisol is caused by swelling action of the plasticizer on PVC resin and is affected by both kinds and dosage of plasticizer , Mixture of plasticizers can be used for modifying gelation behavior of PVC plastisol .

  2. 溶胀作用在煤结构与热解研究中的应用

    The application of solvent swelling on study coal structure and pyrolysis

  3. 结果表明:含氧燃料对丁腈橡胶有腐蚀溶胀作用。

    Results showed that oxygenated fuels corroded and swelled nitrile rubber .

  4. 橡胶制动皮碗的溶胀作用分析及其控制原理

    Analysis of Rubber Bowl Swelling in Brake Fluid and Its Control Principle

  5. 研究了不同加湿剂对管网中橡胶圈和麻丝的溶胀作用。

    Effects of different humidizers on the natural gas network are studied .

  6. 溶胀作用对裂片径迹直径法测体蚀刻速度的影响

    The effect of swelling on the determination of bulk etching rate by fission fragment track diameter

  7. 实验结果表明:稻壳粉中存在着影响稻壳粉热稳定性的杂质;通过浸泡处理,利用溶胀作用可除去稻壳粉结构中部分对热稳定性不利的杂质;

    The experimental results show that harmful impurities in rice hull powder , which may decrease its thermostability , could be partly removed by swelling action .

  8. 溶胀作用实验结果表明,甲醇与汽油的混合燃料对橡胶件的溶胀作用比纯汽油的强,并且随着掺烧甲醇比例的增大,甲醇汽油混合燃料对橡胶件的溶胀作用是逐渐增大的。

    The conclusion of swelling experiment is that elastomer swelling of compound alcohol fuels is stronger than that of gasoline and elastomer swelling is more stronger when more bigger blend ratio .

  9. 由于溶剂的溶胀作用,在溶液中重油分子的烷基侧链要比真空状态下的舒展,因而溶液中的分子尺寸必然大于孤立态的分子尺寸。

    Due to the swelling behavior of solvent , the alkyl side chains of heavy oil molecule in solution were much more stretched . Thus , the molecular size of heavy oil molecule in solution was larger than that in vacuum .

  10. 煤溶剂抽提过程存在两种效应,一是孔隙骨架结构的崩溃,二是溶胀作用,从而导致煤基体大分子的重排。

    Lastly , two kinds of effect in the process of the extraction are existed : one is breakdown of framework structure of the pore , the other is the recomposition of the macromolecules in coal basic body because of swelling effect .

  11. 从压缩CO2中的聚合物Tg测定结果可以看出,CO2对聚合物具有较明显的溶胀、增塑作用,可显著降低聚合物的Tg。

    From the results of T_g of polymers in compressed CO_2 , we can conclude that CO_2 has distinct swelling and plasticizing effects on polymers , so that CO_2 can make T_g of polymers decrease largely .

  12. 膨体弹力真丝的卷曲收缩、溶胀与分纤作用对纤维的强力会带来影响。

    At the same time , it points out that the actions of crimpness , shrinkage , swelling and separation of bulk streched silk yarns will impose effects on fibres strength .

  13. 首先进行溶剂溶胀,实验表明吡啶溶剂的溶胀作用最强。溶胀率指标表明溶胀煤结构变得疏松;

    Study result shows that pyridine is the best solvent for swelling coal and the physical structure of coal swelled becomes loose by swelling and the ability of thermo-decomposition increases by swelling .