
  1. 湖南客家方言演变原因探析

    On the Causes of changes of Hakka Dialects in Hunan Province

  2. 湖南客家方言音韵研究

    Phonological Studies of Hakka Dialects in Hunan Province

  3. 湖南境内客家方言分布概况

    A Survey of Distribution of Hakka Dialects in Hunan Province

  4. 第三章说明了各有关县市境内客家方言的分布情况,总结了湖南境内客家方言的分布特点,并附有方言分布图8幅。

    The third one gives a description of the distribution of Hakka Dialects in Hunan Province , and eight dialectal maps are appended .

  5. 中国近现代史上,湖南人与客家人在推动历史演进中,都有着非常突出的作用。

    In early and latter modern history of China , both Hunanese and Hakka people made great contributions to the promotion of the development of the Chinese history .

  6. 本文以作者的亲身调查结果为依据,参考了大量的历史文献和语言学资料,对湖南境内的客家方言的音韵特点进行了详细的研究。

    This paper is devoted give phonological studies on the Hakka Dialects in Hunan Province according to my own investigation and a vast amount of historical documents and linguistic references .

  7. 第一章为绪论,对“湖南境内的客家人”和“湖南境内的客家方言”等概念进行了界定,并简要介绍了本研究的意义和方法、发音合作人的情况及凡例。

    The first chapter gives an introduction on some concepts such as " the Hakkas in Hunan province " and " hakka dialects in Hunan province ", the meaning and methods of this research , the persons who pronounced for me , and the symbols used in this paper .