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  1. 论文基于平衡计分卡理论和关键绩效指标理论,在国内外已有的研究成果上,结合湖南大众传媒职业技术学院的实际情况和自身特点,构建了其预算绩效评价体系。

    The paper bases on the Key Performance Indicators and the Balanced Scorecard theory , refer to the existing research results at home and abroad , connect the actual situation and the own characteristic of Hunan Mass Media Vocational Technical College , constructs the budget performance evaluation system .

  2. 开设出版发行营销专业大专层次教育探析&对湖南大众传媒职业技术学院现有出版与发行专业改造的必要性与可行性论证

    The Junior College Education of the Specialty of the Marketing of Publishing and Issuing