
  1. 当地媒体报道称,卡乐比及其主要竞争对手湖池屋停止了近50种产品的生产。

    Local media reports suggest Calbee and its main rival Koike-Ya are halting almost 50 products .

  2. 在湖池周围多栽植或引导野生滨水湿生植物、湖池中人为栽植水生植物。

    More wild shore water hygrophytes should be transplanted around the lake pond , and the aquatic plant should be artificially transplanted in the lake pond .

  3. 介绍了在园林造景中挺水植物的选择及其在湖池、驳岸、湿地园林、室内等的造景设计要点。

    In the landscape design , the main points of the emerged plants in the lakes , ponds , embankments , wetland landscape architectures , indoor landscapes were put forward .

  4. 这栋庄园拥有瀑布天然湖,私人游泳池,大型烧烤区和网球场。

    The ranch has a natural lake with waterfall , private swimming pool , large barbecue area and a tennis court .

  5. 房子外面还有一个环礁湖风格的游泳池当然还有很好的花园而且还能俯瞰全城。

    Outside , there 's a lagoon - style swimming pool & not to mention gorgeous gardens and a view of the city .