
  • 网络Gaming Mouse;MMO;fps
  1. “铜板蛇”和“响尾蛇”游戏鼠标的制造商,将要用“狼蛛”向键盘领域扩展。

    Razer , makers of the Copperhead and Diamondback gaming mice , is branching out into keyboards with the Tarantula .

  2. 罗技旗舰有线游戏鼠标G5-即得到了人们对于其创新的褒奖,也有人对他大肆吹捧的激光传感器表示不满。

    Logitech 's flagship corded gaming mouse-The G5 has taken both sweet appreciations for innovation and hard critiques for its much touted LASER sensor .

  3. 游戏操作鼠标左键蓄力击球。

    Game controls Xu Li hitting the left mouse button .

  4. 游戏操作鼠标点击移动碎片即可。

    Click mouse game mobile operators can be debris .

  5. 游戏用鼠标键点击控制。

    Key games click with the mouse control .

  6. 游戏用鼠标左键拖动到另外的一半的相同的物体上。

    Driving to the game using the mouse to click another half of the same object .

  7. 游戏用鼠标键点击,只有猴子身边最大的数字才可以移动。

    Key click with the mouse game , only the largest number of monkeys can move around .

  8. 即便是这样,雷蛇依然是行业的龙头老大:目前雷蛇是全球最大的游戏键盘与鼠标制造商,在竞争异常激烈的游戏耳机市场上也是一路领跑,将TurtleBeach、AstroGaming、Polk和HyperX等竞争对手远远甩在了身后。

    Still , it dominates : Razer is currently the number-one maker of gaming mice and gaming keyboards in the world and leads the pack in the ultra-competitive gaming headphones market , despite strong competition from Turtle Beach , Astro Gaming , Polk , and HyperX .

  9. 典型应用于在游戏中的鼠标和动画的绘制。

    Typically used for pointer cursors and for animated figures in games .

  10. 一个很简单的射击游戏,用鼠标控制,左键开枪射击敌人。

    A very simple shooting game , with the mouse control , point and shooting enemies .

  11. 游戏操作:鼠标操作,空格发射,消灭完所有的细菌即可胜利。

    Game controls : mouse operation , a space launch end eliminate all bacteria can be victory .

  12. 游戏操作,鼠标点击可能发生事件的物品,找到最终逃脱的道具。

    Game operations , a mouse click on the possible items , find the ultimate escape props .

  13. 游戏操作:鼠标控制方向,火箭发出后移动鼠标可调整飞行角度。

    Game controls : control the direction of the mouse , mobile rocket issued mouse adjustable angle of flight .

  14. 操作指南:点击箭头图象开始游戏,移动鼠标来保持托比的平衡。

    Operate guidebook : Click the arrowhead portrait starts game , moving a mouse to keep balance of give the ratio .

  15. 游戏操作:鼠标操作控制小人的方向,点击鼠标左键表示发球或者接球。

    Game controls : mouse operational control cur direction , click the left mouse button or catch a ball serve said .

  16. 游戏操作:鼠标控制方向,按空格键开始,鼠标左键瞄准飞碟射击。

    The game operate : The mouse controls a direction , press the blank space key beginning , mouse the left key take aim at trapshooting .

  17. 游戏操作:鼠标控制方向,点击左键,再选好球的力量,把小球打进球门即可以。

    Game controls : control the direction of the mouse , click menu , and then select the right signal strength , the small spheres impacting scoring doors that can be .

  18. 游戏介绍:鼠标拖拽中间粉红色方向杆控制小羊移动,要碰到剪刀、但是不要碰便便哦。

    The game is introduced : it is getting pink direction pole control lamb move drag , for mouse not to tow , want , meet , but scissors be touched and relieved oneself .

  19. 游戏操作:点击鼠标左键可以对射击子弹。

    Game controls : click the left mouse button to be firing bullets .

  20. 游戏操作:用鼠标左键控制,把右边的方块拖到左边正确的位置。

    Game controls : left mouse control , the right box left until the correct position .

  21. 我用椅子上的游戏杆来导航鼠标,点击我要点击的地方。

    I use the joystick on my chair to navigate the mouse and click on what I want .

  22. 游戏操作:用鼠标左键控制,点击画面中的图片,拼成一样的即可以。

    Game controls : control with the left mouse button , click on the picture screen , the same vein that can be .

  23. 游戏操作:用鼠标左键点击画面中和一开始记数时候画面不一样的地方。

    Game controls : click with the left mouse button and the screen started to remember a time when several different screen areas .

  24. 游戏操作:用鼠标左键控制,将相同牌面的麻将消去即可,看看你需要多长时间呢?

    Game controls : left mouse control , the same card can eliminate the mahjong , you need to look at how long ?

  25. 操作指南:游戏规则,点击鼠标左键将厕所下水的上口和下口练成一条线即可。

    Operate guidebook : Rules of the game , click left key of mouse to enter water toilet fluently with next practice a line then .

  26. 深圳纪元数码全力打造游戏操作:用鼠标左键控制,把图拼成完整的图形。

    Shenzhen has made great efforts to build the digital era game operators : the left mouse button control , the plan appropriately integrated graphics .

  27. 游戏中只要通过鼠标就能放出很多种类的格斗技,游戏中还有必杀技!

    So long as can emit a lot of grapple skills of kind in the game through the mouse , must kill the skill in the game !

  28. 雷蛇公司是罗伯特o卡拉克夫和陈民亮于1998年共同创立的,该公司主要向不被传统科技公司重视的游戏发烧友提供游戏鼠标等电脑配件。

    Robert Krakoff and Min-Liang Tan founded Razer in 1998 to introduce accessories such as gaming mice to an audience that was being ignored by traditional technology companies .

  29. 操作指南:游戏操作:游戏操作:用鼠标左键点击自己要选择的角度和力量即可。

    Operations guide : game : on game operating : click with the left mouse button to choose their own perspective and strength can be .

  30. 游戏研究公司Eedar的分析师艾德o赵指出,雷蛇如今已经占据全球游戏鼠标和键盘市场约30%的份额。

    Today , Razer accounts for approximately 30 % of the global video game mouse and keyboard business , according to Ed Zhao , an analyst at video game research firm Eedar .