
  • 网络Fragments;disk fragmentation
  1. 而对于Windows系统的虚拟机,实验表明虚拟磁盘碎片对其I/O性能造成重大的影响。

    However , for Windows virtual machines , experiments show that virtual disk fragments cause considerable impact to system performance .

  2. 磁盘碎片成因及其对策

    Causes and Corresponding Countermeasure of Disk Fragments

  3. 例如,压缩操作就像一个针对NSF文件的磁盘碎片整理工具。

    For example , compact operations act like a disk defragmentation tool for your NSF files .

  4. 为解决这个问题,开发了在线磁盘碎片整理工具(e4defrag)。

    An online defragmentation tool ( e4defrag ) has been developed to address this .

  5. 此参数表示是否建议对此卷进行磁盘碎片整理。

    This parameter indicates whether defragmentation or the volume is recommended .

  6. 检查可能影响性能的磁盘碎片空间。

    Check disk space for fragmentation that could affect performance .

  7. 本机未安装磁盘碎片整理程序。

    The Disk Defragmenter is not installed on your computer .

  8. 磁盘碎片一直是计算机系统中的一个重要问题。

    Disk fragmentation has long been an important issue for computer systems .

  9. 不支持磁盘碎片整理程序的命令行操作。

    Command line operation of Disk Defragmenter is not supported .

  10. 如果使用这个设置,磁盘碎片整理程序将会整理您的驱动器。

    If you use this setting , Disk Defragmenter will defragment your drive .

  11. 此方法用于对此卷进行磁盘碎片整理。

    This method is used to defrag the volume .

  12. 没有找到从注册表来的所需的数据。请安装磁盘碎片整理程序。

    Data needed from the registry was not found . Please reinstall Disk Defragmenter .

  13. 因为无法适当地访问计算机内存,所以磁盘碎片整理程序无法继续运行。

    The Defragmenter cannot continue because it cannot properly access your computer 's memory .

  14. 虚拟化技术的出现使得磁盘碎片问题变得更加严重和复杂。

    The advent of virtualization makes the problem of disk fragmentation more severe and complicated .

  15. 从词汇系统内部上看,是词汇系统的磁盘碎片整理。

    Internal cause , which originated of the defrag of the system of the vocabulary .

  16. 磁盘碎片整理程序无法整理这个只读卷

    Disk Defragmenter cannot defragment this read-only volume

  17. 磁盘碎片整理程序已在运行。

    Disk defragmenter is already running .

  18. 要避免性能的降低,您应该每周或每两周运行一次磁盘碎片整理。

    To avoid this degradation in performance , you should run Disk Defragmenter weekly or biweekly .

  19. 磁盘碎片整理程序无法初始化。

    Disk defragmenter could not initialize .

  20. 深入研究磁盘碎片

    Lucubrate the disk fragments

  21. 此参数用于强行进行磁盘碎片整理,即使磁盘可用空间不足。

    This parameter is used to force the defrag even if free space on the disk is low .

  22. 磁盘碎片整理程序需要至少硬盘15%的自由空间用于整理碎片。

    Disk Defragmenter needs a min of15 % of free space on the hard drive in order to defrag .

  23. 虽然延时分配的方法可以减少磁盘碎片,但时间久了,一个大的文件系统可能会成为碎片。

    Although the delayed allocation method reduces fragmentation , over time , a large file system can become fragmented .

  24. 尽管本质上不是一个文件系统集成问题,但磁盘碎片是另一个需要注意的问题。

    Although not a file system integrity issue per se , disk fragmentation is another issue that might need attention .

  25. 我会定期整理磁盘碎片、打扫注册表,清理临时文件,但我的电脑仍然很慢。

    I regularly defragment the hard disk , tweak the registry , and clean out temporary files , but my PC is still slow .

  26. 比如,只需在计算机上运行一个磁盘碎片整理程序就能看到单个硬盘的文件碎片。

    A solid example of file fragmentation with a single hard drive can be shown simply by running a disk defragmenter on your own computer .

  27. 这么做可以限制内存中“脏”页面的数量,从而进一步减少I/O开销和磁盘碎片。

    The reason for this is to limit the amount of dirty pages in memory , which further reduces I / O overhead and disk fragmentation .

  28. 磁盘碎片整理程序无法在这个卷类型上运行。即便掺有塑料和一些铝的碎片压制起来也无妨。

    Disk Defragmenter cannot run on this volume type . The plastics and bits of aluminum mixed in with the scrapes of cardboard are no problem in the pressing process .

  29. 影响计算机速度的因素存在于系统的每个部分,磁盘严重碎片化或散布在磁盘中的文件和目录会强烈地影响计算机系统的输入/输出性能。

    The factor that influences computer speed may exist in each part of the system . The serious disk fragments , files and folders spread in the disk will severely influence the I / O performance of computer system .

  30. 基于第二磁盘的解决磁盘碎片的方案

    Approach to optimize disk defragmentation by adding second disk