
yóu zǐ
  • man travelling or residing in a place far away from home;man traveling or residing far away from home


yóu zi
  • decoy
游子 [yóu zǐ]
  • [man travelling or residing far away from home] 久居他乡或异国之人

  • 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。--孟效《游子吟》

  • 浮云蔽白曰,游子不顾反。--《古诗十九首》

  • 浮云游子意。--唐. 李白《送友人》

游子[yóu zǐ]
游子[yóu zi]
  1. 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。(孟郊《游子吟》)

    Who says that the heart of an inch-long plant , | can requite the radiance of full spring ?

  2. 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。

    The thread from a fond mother 's hand , | is now in the jacket of her absent son .

  3. 利用着色Petri网检测小灵通双振铃与游子归家的话务循环问题

    Detecting the Interaction of Doth-Ring and Traveler-Go-Home Service by Colored Petri Nets

  4. 面对死亡,要有如游子回家的欢喜;

    Facing death , be happy like a wanderer returning home .

  5. 哪家的游子今晚坐着小船在漂流?

    Which of the boat sitting at home tonight , drifting ?

  6. 他和父亲闹翻了,成了一名游子。

    He fell out with his father and became a wanderer .

  7. 对一个离乡背井的游子,再华丽的光辉,也是徒然闪烁;

    An exile from home , splendor dazzles in vain ;

  8. 有时候,愿意像游子一样,漫步旷野。

    Sometimes like strolling around the wildness like a wanderer .

  9. 你的山,锻造了游子担当重任的铁肩;

    Your mountains forge vagraut person with iron shoulder to undertake burden ;

  10. 请保佑我们的游子杰米。

    Please shine your precious light on our son jimmy .

  11. 地缘&中华游子文化的重要原点

    Hometown Relation : Important Original Place for Overseas Chinese Culture

  12. 中华游子文化中的故乡情结

    The Feelings of the Native Place in the Chinese Away-from-Home People 's Culture

  13. 论中国古代诗歌中的游子情结

    On the Wanders ' Complex in Acient Chinese Poetry

  14. 海外游子思念家乡风味。

    The travelling overseas Chinese think of local flavour .

  15. 试析中国古代游子之思乡情怀&以北宋词人柳永的行旅词为例

    Analysis of The Homesick Feelings of Ancient Chinese Travelers

  16. 论海外中华游子文化及其特征

    The Culture of Overseas Chinese People and Its Characteristics

  17. 唯有上帝,与我永在,召唤游子,回归天国。

    But God , who called me here below , Will be forever mine .

  18. 现在已经像远行的游子归来;

    Like him that travels I return again ,

  19. 每个海外游子都有拳拳的爱国之心。

    Every overseas Chinese has sincere patriotic feeling .

  20. 此句所表达的是游子的物候之惊、思归之情。

    This expression conveys the poet 's homesickness through the depiction of phenological change .

  21. 诗人的抒情篇章游子的爱国心声&试论肖邦的钢琴音乐创作

    On Chopin 's Composition of Piano Works

  22. 远方可有一棵大树,让远足的游子停下脚步歇凉?

    Have a tree from afar , the wandering son to stop hiking Xieliang footsteps ?

  23. 游子的眼曾见过烈火与刀剑,

    Eyes that fire and sword have seen

  24. 海外中华游子文学创作的文化取向&以东南亚中华游子文学为例

    The Cultural Orientation of Overseas Chinese Literature Creation & Overseas Chinese Literature Creation in Southeast Asia

  25. 海洋空气中有点盐味。海外游子思念家乡风味。

    The sea air smacked of salt . The travelling overseas Chinese think of local flavour .

  26. 具体表现为首先各上游子公司以边际成本的价格为下游子公司提供中间产品,以使集团利润达到最大。

    The operation steps are the upstream divisions supply the intermediate products on marginal cost price firstly .

  27. 诗歌是情感表达的载体,海外游子的诗歌无处不在地流露出对中华故园的无尽依恋和剪不断的乡愁。

    Poetry is a carrier of emotions . Homesickness flows in the poems of Chinese overseas immigrants .

  28. 越是繁华热闹,在茫茫人海中的游子就越显得孤独无亲。

    The more bustling the city was , the more solitary the young man felt in the crowds .

  29. 我带着行李在外面住了有快一年了,也确实有点像游子。

    I ` ve been living out of a suitcase for a year and a half it seems like .

  30. 他为什么特地来到我的门前,这年轻的游子,当天色黎明的时候?

    Why did he choose to come to my door , the wandering youth , when the day dawned ?