
  • 网络subgrade and foundation
  1. 胶济铁路电气化工程地基与基础的质量检验

    The Quality Examination for the Electrified Railway Subgrade and Foundation in the Jiaozhou - Jinan Railway

  2. 地基与基础位于地面以下,属于隐蔽工程。

    Subgrade and foundation engineering is a kind of concealed work , which is located under the ground surface .

  3. 利用Green函数法求得半平面问题的位移,可以得到边界积分公式,利用该公式可以对于弹性地基与基础的相互作用进行分析。

    Using Green function to solve the displacement of half of the plane , the boundary integral formula is derived . This formula can be used to analyze the reciprocity between ground and base .

  4. 冻土地区±500kV直流输电线路地基与基础设计

    ± 500 kV Direct Current Transmission Line Ground and Foundation Design in Frozen Earth Area

  5. 饱和土与Timoshenko梁的动力相互作用问题属于土与结构的动、静力接触问题的一种,是对地基与基础动力相互作用问题这一研究领域的补充。

    The dynamic interaction between saturated soil and Timoshenko beam is an issue belonging to the dynamic and static contact problems of soil and structures , it is a supplement for the research field of interaction between ground and foundation .

  6. 高职地基与基础课程教学中的几点体会

    The Teaching Experiences in the Course of Vocational Ground and Foundation

  7. 中关村科技大厦地基与基础共同作用分析

    Subsoil and Foundation Interaction Analysis of Zhongguancun Science & Trade Center

  8. 公路桥梁地基与基础的抗震可靠度分析

    Analysis for anti-seismic reliability of highway bridge 's foundations

  9. 桥台地基与基础处理一例

    An Example on Dealing with the Bridge Foundation Break

  10. 简论水泥搅拌桩复合地基与基础设计

    An Inquiry into Design of Composite Ground and Foundation of Mixed Soil-Cement Piles

  11. 石油化工企业钢储罐地基与基础设计规范

    Code for design of steel storage tanks sub-grade and foundation in petrochemical enterprises

  12. 某住宅小区地基与基础设计

    Design of foundation and ground of residential plot

  13. 面向对象的地基与基础规范知识库设计

    Object-Oriented Ground and Foundation Code Knowledge Base Programming

  14. 采动区地表曲率变形与砌体建筑的地基与基础

    Surface ground curvature deformation on mining area and base and foundation of lined building

  15. 基础工程包括建筑物的地基与基础的设计与施工。

    Infrastructure projects s include the design and construction for the foundation of the building .

  16. 地基与基础工程设计计算中的计算机图形处理技术

    The Computer Graphic Processing Technology Applied in Design and Calculation of Ground and Foundation Engineering

  17. 完善的安全监控系统是确保地基与基础安全性的有效保证。

    Perfect safety monitoring system is installed to ensure the safety of the foundation and groundsill .

  18. 工程监理咨询事务所工业与民用建筑工程结构设计咨询、地基与基础工程设计咨询。

    Structural design consultation on industrial & civil building project , design consultation on groundwork and foundation project .

  19. 浅谈黄土地基与基础

    Loess base and foundation

  20. 用面向对象语言(C++)建立了一个层次化的地基与基础设计模型库。

    The author has built a groundwork and foundation design modal base with the OOP language ( C + + ) .

  21. 特别是弹性半空间地基与基础的相互作用问题,由于该问题的复杂性,目前的研究很少。

    The interaction problem between elastic half-space and foundation is the special case . Because of the complexity , the analysis about it is very few .

  22. 考虑埋置基础侧面和底面地基与基础的相互作用,研究了埋置于横观各向同性饱和地基中刚性圆柱基础的扭转振动问题。

    Considering the interactions between the embedded foundation and the soil , the torsional vibrations of a rigid cylindrical foundation partially embedded in transversely isotropic saturated soil are analysed .

  23. 按照面向对象的方法,采用C++语言建立了现行地基与基础规范的知识库,该知识库与应用程序相对独立。

    Based on the object-oriented programming method , the knowledge base of ground and foundation code have been constructed by using the object oriented programming language C + + .

  24. 在基底反力计算中可能出现两种情况:某些部位的反力值过大或地基与基础之间出现拉力,此时应对基底反力进行调整。

    Two computational results of the foundation may occur , the occurrence of overvalue of foundation reaction at certain points and that of tensile force on the soil foundation interface .

  25. 将质量、工期和成本三者有机考虑,使地基与基础的设计方案更加切实可行、经济合理。

    Applying the method , the design scheme of groundwork and foundation is more applicable and economical by considering together the quality , time limit for a project and cost .

  26. 对地基与基础沉降观测及地基与基础水平位移观测过程中,控制点的布设及观测点的观测方法做了简要介绍。

    This paper briefly introduces the arrangement of controlling points and observing points and the method of observing in the course of observing the settlement and horizontal displacement of the foundation .

  27. 通过变换参数和荷载进一步研究参数和荷载对条基挠度的影响,探讨地基与基础的共同作用的一般规律。

    We can further discuss the influences of the parameters and the load of the linear basis under columns by changing them regularly , and analyze the regulation of the interaction of foundation and the beam .

  28. 讨论了计算机图形处理技术(包括屏幕显示、字符处理、打印输出等)在地基与基础工程设计计算中的应用方法,及其设计计算和设计报告的编写等方面的集成技术。

    Computer graphic processing technology ( including screen display , character processing , printout ect . ) , and the method applied in design and calculation of ground and foundation engineering , and intergration technology are discussed in this article .

  29. 桥梁深水基础工程是一种要求设计与施工融为一体的工程,处于深水下的地基与基础,不仅环境水对它将会产生某些直接作用,而且还会对设计理论与施工技术产生若干特殊问题。

    The engineering of bridge foundation in deep water combine the process of design with construction . The foundation under water will be acted by the surrounding water it can bring out some problems to the technology of design and construction .

  30. 本文在分析研究铜官山选厂矿仓及其支档结构的变形破坏特征的大量实测资料的基础上,进行了地基与基础的应力及矿仓超静定结构的受力分析。

    On the basis of observation data of deformation and failure characteristics of the bunker and the support structure , the paper discusses the stress analysis of the base and foundation of the bunker as well as the stress state of the indeterminate structure .