
  • 网络Game Artist
  1. 基础课程的专业化研究&以三维游戏美术造型基础课程为例

    Specialized Study of the Basic Course , with the Example of 3D Game Art Basic Course

  2. 还有结合未来游戏美术设计行业的发展预测,提出笔者对未来美术设计工作及其人才培养方式的看法。

    There is future development of the industry of game art design prediction , put forward the views of the author of Art and Design work and talent training methods .

  3. 我们是一个小型游戏设计者和美术者的团队。

    We are a small group of game designers and artists .

  4. 我想在课间休息时玩躲球游戏,在美术课上画水彩画。

    I want to play dodge ball at recess and paint with watercolors in art .

  5. 幼稚园的教师们通过游戏,音乐,美术插图,电脑软件,电影和录像把孩子引入学习的世界。

    Preschool and kindergarten teachers use games , music , artwork , computer software , film and video to introduce children to the world of learning .

  6. 游戏的空间与空间的游戏&对舞台美术设计专业教学的思考

    Space of Game and Game of Space & Consideration of Education of the Major of Stage Design

  7. 游戏中的角色作为玩家视觉的焦点,是游戏美术设计的重中之重。

    As the visual focus point of game player , the character in the game is the most important part of the game visual design .

  8. 近年来,网络游戏在国内发展迅猛,社会需求剧增,游戏产品的美术设计工作亦受到强烈的追捧。

    In recent years , the online games in the domestic have a rapid development and the social surge in demand for game art design are strongly sought after .