
qīng guān
  • honest and upright official;respectable and morally lofty official
清官 [qīng guān]
  • (1) [respectable and morally lofty official]∶清贵的官职

  • 八品清官

  • (2) [honest and upright official]∶旧称廉洁公正的官吏

  • 清官难断家务事

清官[qīng guān]
  1. 那位法官是个清官。

    The judge is an honest and upright official .

  2. 第二章,从双音节词语青天的两个组成部分青和天两方面深入分析这种崇拜意识或者说清官文化的根源所在。

    Part III is the chapter two , deep analysis the kind of worship consciousness , or the root of the honest and upright official culture through the two parts of the disyllabic phrases " Qing Tian ", the word " Qing " and the word " Tian " .

  3. 盐城历史上的清官与廉政文化建设

    The Upright Officials and Their Incorruptible Culture Construction in Yancheng History

  4. 不少官员自觉以儒家的思想来塑造自己的清官品格。

    Many officials conscientiously foster their qualities with the Confucius thoughts .

  5. 论话本小说对清官的反思

    Reflection on the honest and upright officials in Vernacular Novels

  6. 魅力与祛魅:中国古代清官思想再反思

    Charm and disenchantment : reexamining ancient Chinese upright official thought

  7. 说来说去,清官难断家务事。

    He says it , judge not upright household chores .

  8. 而清官文化的形成又有其具体原因。

    The formation of a culture of clean government has its specific reasons .

  9. 海瑞可是中国历史上有名的清官。

    Hai Rui was a well-known honest and upright official in Chinese history .

  10. 通过清官文学的成因分析表明,清官文学的产生完全是文学自身生态机制作用下的结果。

    It indicates clean official literature is the result of literature 's self-function .

  11. 领导干部要做清官、办实事、留好名

    Leading Cadres Should Be Upright Persons , Do Concret Things and Have Good Name

  12. 他为官正直,是一位清官。

    He was an honest and upright official .

  13. 神灵信仰、信息甄别与古代清官断案

    Belief in Spirits , Information Screening and Cases of Good Judges in Pre-modern China

  14. 24例(14.29%)产后4~5天行清官术。

    24 cases ( 14.29 % ) were operated postpartum curettage after 4 ~ 5 days .

  15. 古代清官法律人格的内在精神主要体现在其道德品质、知识结构和价值追求上。

    The intrinsic direction in spirit consisted in their moral character , knowledge and value orientation .

  16. 古往今来,涌现出了多少个清官廉吏。

    Since ancient times , have emerged out of how many honest and upright official Lian Li .

  17. 中国人曾塑造了一个“铁面无私”的传奇清官包文正,恰是黑色的脸膛。

    Bao Wenzheng , a incorruptible judge in Chinese legends and classic opera has a black face .

  18. 辽东镇民居对明清官式建筑屋顶形式的影响

    The Roof Style of Ming and Qing Official Architecture Influenced by the Ancient Dwelling Houses in Liaodong Town

  19. 清官意识是中国传统政治文化和伦理文化中的重要社会意识。

    The consciousness of clean and upright official is an important social consciousness in China 's traditional political and ethical culture .

  20. 这些清官产生的原因在于科举制度的遴选和清初的几代皇帝在吏治上的追求。

    Their clean government was due to the Keju System ( imperial examination ) and the then Qing Dynasty Emperors'inspection of officials .

  21. 清官包拯,是中国古代在反贪理论与实践中的一面旗帜。

    Bao Zheng was an honest and upright official who set up a good example of counter corruption both in theory and practice .

  22. 在此意义上说,“清官”在中国政治“天-君-民”的三极循环中,正是“天”一极的代表与象征。

    In this sense , honest and upright officials are a representative and symbol of Heaven in the Chinese political circle of Heaven-Throne-People .

  23. 直诉制度的存在反映了中国古代慎刑谨罚的民本思想,也反映了普通民众的清官情结。

    Straight sues system existence reflects Chinese ancient cautious punishment to the punishment of people-oriented thoughts , also reflects the ordinary people ruling complex .

  24. 当选之后面对一大堆钱债和人情债,他们能做清官吗?

    When elected and faced with mountains of debts and " favours " to repay , would they be able to stay " clean "?

  25. 清官文化从里到外,从诞生到成型,都与儒学有着不可分解的渊源。

    Honest and upright official culture from the inside out , from birth to the shape with the origins of Confucianism has a non-decomposable .

  26. 任何事物都有他的两面性,当今社会当然也不乏两袖清官廉政为民的清官。

    Any thing all has his dual character , now social certainly also many two sleeve honest official honest government for people 's honest official .

  27. 不同产区香料烟化学成分及感官质量比较通过清官文学的成因分析表明,清官文学的产生完全是文学自身生态机制作用下的结果。

    Comparison of Chemical Components and Sensory Quality of Oriental Tobacco in Different Producing Areas It indicates clean official literature is the result of literature 's self-function .

  28. 清官情结作为君主与人治情怀的浓缩在民众心目中依然挥之不去。

    " Honest and upright official complex " as the condense of the emperor and the rule of men feelings is still in existence among the demos .

  29. 尽管在封建社会也有不少“两袖清风,秉公断案”的清官,但他们不可能从根本上改变社会的追求目标。

    Despite the fact that there are numerous uncorrupted officials who justly issued verdicts , they could not fundamentally change the pursuing goal of the overall society .

  30. 清官政治思想中的爱民思想源于儒家“仁政”与“民本”学说。

    The thought of " sympathy to people " of upright officials originates from Confucius 's theo-ries of " benevolent government " and " fundamental role of people " .