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  1. 再论相和歌及其与清商三调的关系

    Xiang He Ge with Inter-relations to Three Songs of Qing Shang Revisited

  2. 以及文学现象与政治现象交相影响的关系等。力图在这种关系型讨论过程中,使《萧衍和梁代<清商曲辞>》这一课题具备一定的研究意义。

    And hand in the relation influenced etc. in literature phenomenon and political phenomenon .

  3. 清商三调研究

    Research on " Qingshang Three-Mode "

  4. 本章对清商这一概念在不同时期的不同内涵进行梳理与研究。

    This part focuses on clearing and researching on the definition of " Qing Shang " in different ages .

  5. 上层文士和后宫女性对《清商曲辞》接受心理的差异;

    It is gentle in upper strata person and behind accept difference of psychology of maid of honour about 《 qingshangquci 》 ;

  6. 《清商曲辞》内含对声律发展的积极因素与人为声律理论的关系;

    It is relations of theories between a sound of law to the positive factor and people of a sound of law development that 《 qingshangquci 》 is implicit ;

  7. 本文以建安时期的清商乐特点以及对诗歌创作的影响作为切入点,着力探讨了清商乐的音乐特质在建安诗风形成中的作用。

    The article will discuss functions of Qingshang music made in the style of Jian'an poetry according to characters of Qingshang music and influence to composing poems during Jin'an period .

  8. 在《花间集》中,使用频率最高的十五个词牌名,词作数量占总数的61%,而这十五个词牌名中有九个可以基本认定不是胡乐而是属于清商乐的范围。

    In the " Hua Jian ", the most frequently used 15 tune name , the number of works for 61 % of the total , and can identified 9 tune name is not belong to minority music but belong to Yan Music .

  9. 本文以萧衍接受和创制《清商曲辞》这一文学现象为基础,展开一种关系型研究:主要体现在萧衍和《清商曲辞》之间的接受与被接受关系;

    It is as the foundation that this text will accept and formulate this phenomenon of 《 qingshangquci 》 with Xiao Yan , launch the research in a kind of relation type : Reflect in between Xiao Yan and acceptance of 《 qingshangquci 》 and accepted into relation mainly ;

  10. 1906年,清政府改组商部,成立农工商部。

    In 1906 , the Qing government reorganized the Department of Commerce and set up the Department of Agriculture , Industry and Commerce .

  11. 清前期重农抑商政策及其法律思想

    On stressing agriculture and business suppression policy in early period of Qing Dynasty and its legal thought