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  • turbine generator;turbogenerator
  1. 高速永磁涡轮发电机二维饱和涡流场的分析与计算

    The Analysis and Calculation of Two Dimensional Saturated Eddy-field for High Speed Permanent Magnet Turbogenerator

  2. 提出选用拉伐尔管式进气道、和较小的排气孔面积的方法来限制涡轮发电机的转速。

    The methods of inlet channel of laval nozzle and smaller area of vent hole have been put forward to limit the spin rate of turbine generator .

  3. 燃气轮机喷气发动机PowerMEMS燃气涡轮发电机的实验研究

    Gas turbine jet Study on the Experiment of Micro-turbine-engine for Power MEMS

  4. PowerMEMS燃气涡轮发电机的实验研究燃烧室,用于涡轮喷气发动机或涡轮螺旋桊发机

    Study on the Experiment of Micro-turbine-engine for Power MEMS chamber , combustion , for turbojets or turbopropellers

  5. Q.如果每个人都在自家和商店的落水管底部装上小型涡轮发电机,这样能够产生多少电力?

    Q. If everyone put little turbine generators on the downspouts of their houses and businesses , how much power would we generate ?

  6. 11月末石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)决定不减产后,丹麦维斯塔斯公司(Vestas)的股价应声暴跌——目前跌幅仍达11%,明显逊于整体股市表现。维斯塔斯是全球最大的风力涡轮发电机供应商。

    Shares in Denmark 's Vestas , the world 's largest wind turbine supplier , dived after the oil producers " cartel Opec decided not to cut production in late November and prices are still down 11 per cent , noticeably below the broader market .

  7. 奔流的河水日夜驱动着这些巨型涡轮发电机。

    Day and night the rushing waters drive the giant turbogenerators .

  8. 水平轴涡轮机是最常用的风力涡轮发电机。

    Horizontal-axis turbines are the most common wind turbine design .

  9. 引信涡轮发电机弹道发电模型和计算

    Mathematical modelling of an air-driven turbine alternator for the mortar fuze and its calculations

  10. 风力涡轮发电机雷击风险评估方法和解决方案

    Wind Turbine Lightning Risk Assessment Methods and Solutions

  11. 介绍了微型涡轮发电机燃烧室的特点。

    The micro-turbine generator characteristics of the combustion chamber are introduced in this paper .

  12. 他们就样制成了第一新型的一万二千瓦涡轮发电机。

    In this way they built the first 12000-kw turbo-generator of the mew type .

  13. 其他类型的电力发电也在使用中,包括风力涡轮发电机;

    Other types of electric power generation are also being used , including wind-turbine generators ;

  14. 研究了两类电力系统:涡轮发电机轴系扭转系统和古典电力系统。

    Two classes of power systems : Turbine-Generator shaft system and classical power system , are studied .

  15. 风力涡轮发电机,小规模孤立电力系统,假象需求,可靠性。

    Wind Turbine Generators ( WTG ), small Isolated Power Systems ( SIPS ), Fictitious Demand , Reliability .

  16. 基于三维流场数值计算的引信用侧进气涡轮发电机的设计研究

    Research on the Design for Turbine Alternator With Side Intake Ducts Based on Numerical Calculation of 3-D Flow-field

  17. 变截面管道法在控制涡轮发电机转速中的应用研究

    The Application of the Method for Variable Cross section Pipes in Controlling the Spin Velocity of a Turbine Alternator

  18. 在热交换器中,融化的盐将水转化成蒸汽从而带动涡轮发电机。

    In a heat exchanger , the molten salt turns water into steam for turbines that turn electrical generators .

  19. 由于该机采用了涡轮发电机、流化泵、内置高压发生器、TEC-恒流充电等技术,使得喷粉效果优与其它类型的静电喷粉机。

    This engine adopts techniques such as turbine dynamo , fluidizing pump , internal high-voltage generator , TEC-constant-current charging ect .

  20. 热气从几千个水管吹过,从而产生能驱动一般涡轮发电机的蒸气。

    The hot gas is blown over thousands of tubes of water , thus generating steam which drives ordinary turbine generators .

  21. 提出并研究了基于三维流场数值计算的引信用侧进气涡轮发电机的设计方法。

    A method of design for the turbine alternator with side intake ducts based on numerical calculation of three-dimensional flow-filed was built .

  22. 涡轮发电机轴向箔片气动轴承的建模与数值分析研究使用箔片径向气体轴承的透平逆布雷顿循环空气制冷机

    Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Foil Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing Used in Turbine Generator A TURBO-REVERSE BRAYTON AIR REFRIGERATOR WITH FOIL GAS JOURNAL BEARINGS

  23. 但风力涡轮发电机与电动汽车都要靠镝与钕来制造对电机和发动机极为关键的磁铁。

    Wind turbines and electric vehicles , however , both rely on dysprosium and neodymium to make the magnets that are essential to their generators and motors .

  24. 介绍和分析了一种用井下涡轮发电机作为力矩发生器,通过调节其电磁力矩的方法来实现稳定平台控制的方法。

    A method of performing platform stabilization control was described by using the downhole turbine generator as the initiator of force moment and by adjusting its electromagnetic moment .

  25. 对比船舶在配备废气涡轮发电机系统前后的运营成本,指出采用废气涡轮发电机系统可以使船舶在长期运营中获得更高的经济效益。

    Comparing the operating cost between equipping the marine diesel exhaust gas turbo-generator system and without equipping the system indicated that we can gain long time economical benefits .

  26. 分析船用柴油机废气涡轮发电机系统中废气锅炉和汽轮机的工作原理;

    The structure of marine diesel exhaust gas turbo generator was introduced , and the working principle of the main components-exhaust gas boiler and steam turbine was analyzed .

  27. 对调制式旋转导向钻井系统稳定平台的控制原理进行了研究,设计了由上、下涡轮发电机、控制轴及电子仓组成的三环控制稳定平台。

    The control principle of the servo platform in modulated rotary steerable drilling system was studied . A control system of servo platform composed of upper and lower turbo-dynamotors , platform control axis and electronic storehouse was designed .

  28. 整个太阳能烟囱发电技术的能量转化以及效率可以从三个部分来分析:通过集热棚太阳能转化为空气热能,通过烟囱将热能转化为动能,通过涡轮发电机将动能转化为电能。

    This solar-to-electric energy conversion and its efficiency involve three following stages : conversion solar energy into air thermal energy through solar collector , conversion thermal energy into kinetic energy by chimney , conversion kinetic energy into electric energy by the wind turbine generator .

  29. 许多全球性减排二氧化碳的计划是要建造星罗棋布的风力涡轮发电机,并以再生能源发电为电动汽车充电,摈弃狂吞汽油的汽车。哦,至少那些并不坚决主张严酷节俭、回返穴居社会[注]的环保主义者是这样计划的。

    MANY plans for reducing the world 's emissions of carbon dioxide-at least , those plans formulated by environmentalists who are not of the hair-shirt , back-to-the-caves persuasion-involve peppering the landscape with wind turbines and replacing petrol-guzzling vehicles with electric ones charged up using energy gathered from renewable resources .

  30. 电磁暂态计算中涡轮-发电机转子系统模型

    A new turbine-generator shaft system module in the electro-magentic transient calculation