
  • 网络Homing Torpedo
  1. 声自导鱼雷几何作用距离预报系统设计

    Design of Geometric Operational Range Prediction System for Acoustic Homing Torpedo

  2. 声自导鱼雷对抗气幕弹技术方法探讨

    Exploration on countermeasure of acoustic homing torpedo against bubble shell

  3. 主动声尾流自导鱼雷导引弹道分析计算

    Guidance Trajectory Analysis and Calculation for Active Acoustic Wake Homing Torpedo

  4. 线导+尾流自导鱼雷射击阵位优化研究

    Optimization of Fire Position for Wire - Guiding + Wake Homing Torpedo

  5. 尾流自导鱼雷极限射击范围的数学描述

    Mathematic description of utmost field of fire about wake-guided torpedo

  6. 声自导鱼雷射击诸元及误差对其捕获概率的影响

    Effect on Acoustic Homing Torpedo Capture Probability of Fire Elements and Errors

  7. 反潜自导鱼雷弹道长度的一种计算方法

    A Method to Calculate Trajectory Length of Anti-submarine Homing Torpedo

  8. 舷侧阵在自导鱼雷蛇行搜索中的研究

    Research of Flank Arrays in Self-guide Torpedo 's Snake Search

  9. 航空自导鱼雷搜攻潜过程分析

    Analysis of search and attack submarine of aviation homing torpedo

  10. 声自导鱼雷末端制导过程的混沌现象研究

    The Study on Chaos of Homing Torpedo During Homing Phase

  11. 尾流自导鱼雷的射击瞄点及射击解算

    Firing Aiming Point and Firing Solution of Wake Homing Torpedo

  12. 主动自导鱼雷多次连续捕获概率的统计求解法

    Statistical Solution of Multi-Continuous Acquisition Probability for Active Homing Torpedoes

  13. 声自导鱼雷连续射击的必要性与可行性研究

    Necessity and Feasibility Research on Salvo of Acoustic Homing Torpedo

  14. 基于时反处理的主动声自导鱼雷定位方法

    Passive Localization of Active Homing Torpedo Based on Time-reversal Processing

  15. 尾流自导鱼雷二次转角射击最优参数解算研究

    The study of launching parameter of wake-guide torpedo with bearing changing twice

  16. 模拟法计算自导鱼雷命中概率的检测模型

    Detection Model of the Calculation of Torpedo Hitting Probability by Monte-Carlo Method

  17. 航向估计在对抗尾流自导鱼雷中的应用研究

    Application of Course Estimation to Intercepting Wake Homing Torpedo

  18. 尾流自导鱼雷齐射极限射距的计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis of the Largest Launch Range for Wake Homing Torpedo Salvo

  19. 线导加尾流自导鱼雷保持距离导引法

    The Guiding Method through Keeping Distance for the Wire and Wake Guided Torpedo

  20. 主动自导鱼雷目标反射回波的模拟

    Reproduction of Active Homing Torpedo Echoes of Underwater Targets

  21. 计算声自导鱼雷直进射击成功概率的解析方法

    Analytic Method for Computing the Successful Probability of Straight-forward Shooting by Sound-Guided Torpedo

  22. 航空自导鱼雷命中概率的仿真研究

    Imitation Research on Hit Probability of Aviation Homing Torpedo

  23. 火箭助飞声诱饵对抗声自导鱼雷作战仿真分析

    The Analysis of Rocket - Assisted Acoustic Decoy Simulation in Anti-Acoustic Homing Torpedo Operation

  24. 舰船声尾流自导鱼雷及其防御技术

    Ship wake guided torpedo and the defense technique

  25. 潜艇使用自航式声诱饵防御声自导鱼雷模型研究

    Research on Model of Defending Acoustic Homing Torpedo Using Mobile Acoustic Decoy by Submarine

  26. 一种基于模糊控制的潜艇纯机动防御声自导鱼雷方法

    A Method for Submarine at Pure-Maneuver Defending Acoustic-Homing Torpedoes Based on Fuzzy Control Theory

  27. 尾流自导鱼雷射击诸元解算模型优化及解算方法

    Model Optimization for Solving for Firing Data of Wake Homing Torpedo and its Solving Method

  28. 利用该系统可动态模拟声自导鱼雷所接收的声信号。

    Using this system , the acoustic homing torpedo received signals can be simulated dynamically .

  29. 尾流自导鱼雷射击方法研究

    Launch Methods of Wake Homing Torpedo

  30. 声自导鱼雷互导问题初探

    On mutual conductance of acoustic torpedo