
hǎi wèi
  • seafood;choice seafood;marine food products
海味 [hǎi wèi]
  • (1) [seafood]∶用作食品的或属于适合作为食品的种类的海鱼和海生贝壳动物

  • (2) [choice seafood]∶海洋里出产的食品(多指珍贵的)

  • 山珍海味

海味[hǎi wèi]
  1. 海味是岛上的特产。

    Seafood is a speciality on the island .

  2. 小虾是比较普遍的一种海味

    Shrimps are a popular type of seafood .

  3. 巴塔利在曼哈顿的johndory餐厅将在11月开业,提供朴实的英式海味、杂脍、生熟牡蛎和蛤蜊。

    The following month , Batali will open John Dory in Manhattan , offering simple English seafood , chowders , raw and cooked oysters and clams .

  4. 不过,第一道菜有时是海味。

    Seafood is sometimes served as a first course , however .

  5. 但是今天这种可口的海味已不再大量存在。

    But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance .

  6. 这听起来不错,不过今天我想吃海味。

    It sounds good , but I 'd prefer some seafood today .

  7. 玛丽拒绝吃肉,但吃海味。

    Mary refuses to eat meat , but she 'll eat seafood .

  8. 只不过提了一下海味就使盖感到恶心了。

    The merest mention of seafood makes guy feel sick .

  9. 魁格看到他最钟爱的海味食物摆在他面前,

    Queequeg seeing his favourite fishing food before him ,

  10. 牡蛎是我唯一喜欢吃的海味;其余的我都不喜欢。

    Oyster be the only seafood I like ; I dislike the rest .

  11. 但是和日本一样,韩国对海味也是情有独钟。

    But South Korea , like Japan , has a vibrant seafood culture .

  12. 牡蛎是我唯一喜欢吃的海味;

    Oyster is the only seafood I like ;

  13. 丙:新英格兰饭店怎么样?那里的海味出名。

    B : how about the New England restaurant , famous for its seafood ?

  14. 这个餐馆以海味闻名。

    The restaurant is famous for its seafood .

  15. 就是说您爱吃海味?

    You mea you 're a seafood lover ?

  16. 为了让你更喜欢这种海味。

    For the seafood lover in you .

  17. 对于贫困国家来说,这种备受欢迎的海味就是一座金矿,产品输送给北方市场那些有着强烈需求的消费者。

    The popular seafood is a gold mine for poor countries feeding avid consumers in northern markets .

  18. 而多以海味入菜,兼有蔬菜、肉、、鱼和炒饭。

    With lots of seafood , vegetables , roast pork , chicken , steamed fish and fried rice .

  19. 在渔舍停留期间,饭菜都很美味,新鲜水果和海味的品种也极其丰富。

    The food during my stay was outstanding , with an especially wide variety of fresh fruit and seafood .

  20. 乌鱼蛋含有大量蛋白质,一向被视为海味珍品。

    The cuttlefish 's egg gland contains a lot of protein , and is regarded as a choice seafood .

  21. 大部分海味不用煮熟再吃,可以生吃、晾干、熏干、腌制、盐卤或发酵。

    Much seafood is eaten uncooked , either raw , dried , smoked , salted , pickled , or fermented .

  22. 海滨胜地;海味大餐;离船执行任务的水兵。本饭店山珍海味,一应俱全。

    Seashore resorts ; a shore dinner ; a marine on shore duty . Our restaurant serves a feast of delicacies .

  23. 海味包括多刺和软骨的鱼,甲壳动物,软件动物,可食用的水母,海龟,蛙,球海胆和海参。

    Seafood includes bony and cartilaginous fishes , crustaceans , mollusks , edible jellyfish , sea turtles , frogs , sea urchins , and sea cucumbers .

  24. 在我们为海洋经济的迅猛发展而欢欣鼓舞的同时,沿海城市的文化也日益凸显了浓郁的海味。

    When we are joyful for the rapid development of the marine economy , the Civic culture of coastal area is more and more influenced by sea .

  25. 因创造力,一些当地厨师到外面去用所谓‘珍海味’准备最奇异和震撼的宴会。

    In being creative , some local chefs go out of their way to prepare the most exotic and shocking banquet with delicacies from the mountains and the sea .

  26. 盐和海味中的碘对于甲状腺激素的合成至关重要,而该激素又会影响智力和生殖能力的发育。

    Iodine , found in some salts and seafood , is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones , which in turn can affect mental and reproductive growth or development .

  27. 从旧金山到纽约的中小饭馆,所有乏鞘菜单上都有汉堡包,它与牛排、炸鸡和海味并列。

    And from San Francisco to New York , in cheap or medium-priced restaurants , hamburgers will be on all the menus , in company with steaks , fried chicken and seafood .

  28. 鲜虾既可烹饪成各种美味佳肴,又可制作成虾米和明虾干等各种海味品。

    Fresh shrimp not only can be cooked into a variety of delicious dishes , but also can be made into ' the sun-dried shelled shrimp ' and ' the dried shrimps ' and so on .

  29. 然而西区仍保留它故有的气息,街头巷尾满布的手推车、药材、米铺和海味等各种气味、战前唐楼的结构遗迹,都诉说著这里的经历;

    Not only may you see the wooden trolleys , the deep slopes and the marks that pre-war tonglaus left after demolition , one may also smell the Chinese medicine and dried seafood in the Western District .

  30. 这种涉海活动对沿海城市文化产生了深远影响,它如同鲜活的血液,融入到沿海城市文化的方方面面,使沿海城市文化呈现出了浓郁的海味

    The kind of sea-related activities have influenced profoundly to the coastal city culture , which integrates to every aspect of the coastal city culture like the bright blood , and causes the coastal city culture to present rich " sea smell "