
xùn sè
  • be inferior;be inferior to
逊色 [xùn sè]
  • [be inferior to] 比不上,差

  • 毫无逊色

逊色[xùn sè]
  1. 在这方面,英国比欧洲其他各国要逊色。

    In this respect , Britain compares unfavourably with other European countries .

  2. 他最好的作品不会因时间流逝而逊色。

    There is a timeless quality to his best work .

  3. 基督教民主党人的表现比预期稍有逊色。

    The Christian Democrats did marginally worse than expected

  4. 他们的攻势足球踢得不错,不过我认为我们各方面和他们比起来都不逊色。

    They played some fine attacking football , but I think we matched them in every respect

  5. 牡丹使其他的花逊色。

    Peony casts the other flowers into the shade .

  6. 其他玉雕跟这件相比大为逊色。

    Other jade carvings pale beside this .

  7. 雨使华丽的庆典大为逊色。

    Rain chilled the glittering pageant .

  8. 上证综指(shanghaicompositeindex),一种名副其实的投资品,它的表现就要逊色许多。

    The Shanghai Composite Index , something you can invest in , has a much weaker record .

  9. LED的光色也不尽如人意。由于它的白光偏蓝,其他的颜色也比传统灯泡逊色不少。

    LEDs also have problems with light color & their whites appear too bluish and thereby render other colors poorly compared to traditional bulbs .

  10. 与Nook平板电脑相比,全黑的KindleFire显得有些逊色。

    Compared to the nook tablet , the all-black kindle fire is somewhat of a wall flower .

  11. 上网本,甚至是一些笔记本电脑和台式电脑采用的都是略显逊色的英特尔Atom处理器,它可能在处理某些任务时会遇到麻烦。

    Netbooks , and even some laptops and desktops , come with a much wimpier processor called the Intel Atom , which struggles at some tasks .

  12. 我给我阿姨选的电脑很好,3D效果还不错,比我带来的电脑要好上一倍,不过比我老爸的电脑就要逊色不少了。

    My aunt 's new laptop is pretty good , I think , maybe twice the capabilities of my laptop though perhaps just half of the power of my dad 's computer .

  13. 新兴市场首次公开发行(IPO)的现金价值一直是发达市场IPO的两倍,尽管市场规模逊色得多。

    Emerging market IPOs have been running at double the cash value of developed market IPOs , in spite of the much smaller market scale .

  14. 本文显示了,即使Android在Java环境下仅支持众多API的一个子集,但是其功能却一点都不逊色。

    This article has shown how , even though Android only supports a subset of the many APIs in the Java environment , it is definitely not lacking in terms of capabilities .

  15. 未来的3G竞争丝毫不会逊色于现在的2G竞争,电信运营商要赢得市场,就必须提前做好准备。

    The intending 3G competition will be more intense than 2G competitions . Telecom operation companies who want to win the market must prepare ahead of schedule .

  16. 但是在处理均匀分布的数据表时,CMD连接算法要明显逊色于其它两个算法。

    But when facing even-distributed data tables , CMD algorithm on GPU is inferior to those two classic algorithms .

  17. 第3个扩展文件系统(ext3)是Linux文件系统的重大改进,尽管它在性能方面逊色于某些竞争对手。

    The third extended file system ( ext3 ) was a major advance in Linux file systems , even though its performance was less than some of its competitors .

  18. 全顺长轴距车无论是总体质量还是TGW方面都要明显逊色于依维柯长轴距车。

    But overall quality of vehicle and TGW of LWB are significantly worse than Iveco .

  19. 它在性能方面较之ReiserFS、JFS以及XFS也尤为逊色,但它所需要的CPU和内存要比同类解决方案少。

    It also typically scores worse in performance when compared to ReiserFS , JFS , and XFS but requires less CPU and memory than competing solutions .

  20. 中石油(PetroChina)昨日开始计入上证综合指数,但其股价表现较上市首日大为逊色。中石油上月发行后,成为全球市值最大的公司。

    PetroChina , which became the world 's biggest company by market capitalisation when it floated last month , made a less impressive debut when it was included in the benchmark Composite index .

  21. 尽管逊色于去年微软(Microsoft)向Facebook投资2.4亿美元而使Facebook的估值达到150亿美元,但在快速增长的社交网站业务领域,LinkedIn争取到的最新投资仍是最引人瞩目的项目之一。

    Though it pales beside the $ 15bn valuation for Facebook implied by a Microsoft investment of $ 240m last year , the latest stake in LinkedIn is still one of the most eye-catching investments in the fast-growing social networking business .

  22. 谷歌对此回应称,欧洲监管机构没有认识到谷歌在网络购物领域比eBay和亚马逊(Amazon)逊色许多,以致其对谷歌网站处理商品查询方式的质疑离题万里。

    Google has responded by saying that European regulators have not recognised how it is dwarfed in online shopping by eBay and Amazon , making questions about how it handles product queries on its own site beside the point .

  23. 长城1998年赤霞珠(Cabernet),售价72美元:真正的深酒色,酒味浓郁,单宁含量高但水果味也很浓,若与其它国家的赤霞珠放在一起竞争也不会逊色。

    Great Wall Cabernet 1998 , $ 72 : Real wine-deep colored , full bodied , tannic but with a lot of fruit-that could have held its own with Cabernets from other countries .

  24. 事实上,在2010年那场比赛中,埃里森与同为亿万富翁的埃内斯托•贝尔塔雷利(ErnestoBertarelli)之间竞争之激烈,并不比富豪们之间的争斗逊色多少。

    Indeed , combat between plutocrats does not get much fiercer than the rivalry between Mr Ellison and fellow billionaire Ernesto Bertarelli over the 2010 event .

  25. 伊凡雷帝(IvantheTerrible)和约瑟夫•斯大林(JosephStalin)是如此,彼得大帝(PetertheGreat)和弗拉基米尔•列宁(VladimirLenin)等激进改革者也不例外——后两人的专制程度不比前两人逊色,却因为打击精英而备受认可。

    This was true of Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin . It was true , too , of radical reformers such as Peter the Great and Vladimir Lenin , equally authoritarian but widely approved of because their target was the elite .

  26. (Android)的意义,这些软件上的更新就逊色了不少……虽然GalaxyS4已经发布,而且宣传工作也在如火如荼地进行之中,但我们依然相信,2013年,苹果在高端智能手机市场的份额不会低于40%。”

    S or even Google Now to Android ... Despite the launch and fanfare around the Galaxy S4 , we continue to believe that Apple will maintain a low 40 % market share in the high-end smartphone market in CY13 . "

  27. 目前,国外在LTE终端MIMO的研究方而已有显著成果,国内在这方面的研究稍显逊色,针对移动终端特别是LTE手机终端的多天线设计还只是处于起步阶段。

    At present , the study of foreign terminal in the LTE MIMO has significant results , the domestic research in this area is slightly . Inferior to the mobile terminal especially LTE mobile phone terminal design is just at the beginning stage .

  28. 不过,它的最低售价也高出竞争对手许多。而与巴诺NookHD1440x900的分辨率,或是与谷歌Nexus7以及亚马逊KindleFireHD1200x800的分辨率相比,其1024x768的分辨率逊色了不少。

    The base price , however , is significantly higher than the competition , and the 1024x768 display resolution pales in comparison to the Nook HD 's 1440x900 or the 1280x800 of the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD .

  29. 虽然与Distimo在2011年公布的3倍增长幅度逊色不少,但这也表明,苹果设备的单位销量远远高于华尔街的预测。

    While less than the 3x increase distimo reported in 2011 , it suggests a bigger bump in unit sales that the street is expecting .

  30. 仿真结果表明,虽然基于相同的检测原理,但MMSED算法在复杂度和性能上都要逊色于SDD算法。

    The simulation results demonstrate that the MMSED algorithm is worse than the SDD algorithm in complexity and performance even though they both are based on the same detection principle .