
  1. 在法律制度上,明确海岛使用权及归属以及制定科学的海岛发展规划。

    On the legal system , define the island use rights and ownership and make the island a scientific development planning .

  2. 未经批准,无居民海岛使用者不得转让、出租和抵押无居民海岛使用权,不得改变海岛用途和用岛性质。

    Without approval , the user of an uninhabited island may not transfer , lease or mortgage the right to use the island , or change the purposes of the island or the natural of its uses .

  3. 未足额缴纳无居民海岛使用金的,海洋主管部门不得办理无居民海岛使用权证书。

    If the charges for use of any uninhabited island are not paid in full amount , the oceanic administration may not issue a certificate on the right to use the uninhabited island .