
  • 网络epidemic infection
  1. 灰色系统理论,尤其是其中的GM(1,1)模型在预测流行性传染病的流行趋势上有较好的效果。

    Grey System Theory , particularly the GM ( 1,1 ) model has better results in forecasting the trends of epidemic infectious diseases .

  2. 流行性传染病,如猪流感、禽流感和SARS,通过与感染者密切接触而传播。

    Epidemics such as swine flu , bird flu , and SARS are spread via close contact with others who are infected .

  3. 该研究旨在通过收集流行性传染病发病数据,建立相关的基于信息再利用的GM(1,1)模型,预测该流行性传染病的流行趋势。

    The study was designed to collect the incidences of epidemic diseases , and establish relevant GM ( 1,1 ) model based on information reused , then we can predict epidemic trends of infectious diseases .

  4. 广西一些养殖场频繁发生以母猪流产、死胎、木乃伊等为特征的流行性传染病,怀疑为猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)所致。

    In recent , some pig farms in Guangxi occur frequently an infectious disease , which characters are abortion , death of embryo and mummified fetuses . Pathogen of the disease is considered as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus ( PRRSV ) .

  5. 令人关注的是,儿童中的某些疾病类型与流行性传染病类似。

    Interestingly , some disease patterns among children resemble infectious disease epidemics .

  6. 她还正在准备挑战流行性传染病。

    She 's preparing for an epidemic .

  7. 经人工感染实验证实该菌为斑点叉尾急性流行性传染病的病原菌。

    The isolated bacterium was proved to be the pathogen of the disease by infection experiment .

  8. 随着社会的发展,自然环境和疾病谱不断变化,新发流行性传染病不断出现。

    With social development , natural environment and disease spectrum constantly changes so do the occurrence of new epidemic diseases .

  9. 目的:流行性传染病是严重威胁人类健康和生存的最重要的危险因素之一。

    Objective : Epidemic infectious diseases which is one of the most important risk factors , are serious threating to human health and survival .

  10. 高流行性传染病的被感染人数是一个动态变量,它的数学模型化应是社会公共医疗卫生科学管理的目标之一。

    The number of hyperendemic epidemic infect patients is a dynamic variable whose dynamic model must be one of the goals of the public medical science .

  11. 从而建立流行性传染病的预警机制,为有关部门预防和控制疾病提供科学的决策依据。

    So as to establish an early warning system of epidemic of infectious diseases , which can provide the relevant departments a scientific basis for preventing and controling disease .

  12. 艾滋病又称获得性免疫缺陷综合症,是人类免疫缺陷病毒引起的一种流行性传染病,截止到目前为止尚无有效的治愈方法。

    Acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) is the epidemic diseases , and it caused by the human immunodeficiency virus , to date there is no effective cure .

  13. 必须采取步骤防止流行性感冒传染开来。

    Steps must be taken to prevent the spread of influenza .

  14. 我不想把流行性感冒传染给你。

    I don 't want to infect you the flu .

  15. 他把流行性感冒传染给妻子。

    His flu infected his wife .

  16. 还可通过水产动物和水产品感染人类,引发季节流行性肠道传染病,危及人类健康。

    It not only leads to serious vibrios of aquatic animals resulting in large losses , but infects human being by food chain , leading to seasonal prevailing intestinal infection to endanger peoples ' health .

  17. 流行性感冒的传染笼罩着整个伦敦。

    The whole of London was in the grip of an influenza epidemic .

  18. 感音神经性听力障碍通常是由于过量的噪音、衰老和脑膜炎、麻疹风疹和流行性腮腺炎等传染病所造成的。

    Sensorineural hearing impairment is commonly due to excessive noise , ageing and infectious diseases such as meningitis , measles rubella and mumps .

  19. 得到结论:当传染病的垂直传染率为1时,疾病一旦流行就会成为地方性传染病。

    Finally , we get the conclusion : When the vertical transmission rate equal to 1 , the disease will be to local infection .

  20. 艾滋病的流行是当今全球最大的健康危机,而疫苗是控制流行性传染病最有效的公共卫生手段,世界上有数百万人因此而受益。

    The AIDS epidemic is the world 's largest health crisis , and control of epidemic infectious disease vaccine is the most effective means of public health in the world , millions of people have benefited .