
The application of three-dimensional k - ε - A_p model in the investigation of time-averaged movement characters of liquid-particle flows
You should have already specified this URI for the task processor when you built the process flow using Process Designer .
FDTD Analysis of the Step-voltages near a Grounding Electrode under Impulse Current Discharge
So , when you load that next XML file or data stream , have no fear about navigating to the exact values that you need to process .
The flow field is calculated by solving the 2D compressible N-S equations .
Furthermore , how to save resource of network when we use multicast to transmit multimedia streams is also a problem we have to resolve .
These properties give you more flexibility when developing message flows and let the Message Broker administrator dynamically modify behavior without requiring the message flow to be redeployed .
Having looked at the useful patterns in aggregation , there are now other points to consider when designing a mediation flow using aggregation in WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V6.1 .
A wizard dialog appears , allowing you to name the repository workspace that Jazz will create as you join the stream .
In order to quickly identify and narrow down on problems within SOA implementations , especially when involved in complex process flows , the use of logging is recommended .
A new feature called " quick outline " helps you when working with a large mediation flow , where you cannot fit all of the primitives on the screen .
This paper proposes a localized QoS routing scheme in the case when there are flows of different priorities and nodes only know partial state information of the network .
OBJECTIVE To study the effects of the ligustrazine , synthetic borneol on the TP , LDH and mucosa morphous when perfusing nasal cavity .
Objective To study the ability of rat liver suffering from warm ischemia in regenerating ATP to assess viability of donor liver by oxygenated hypothermic reperfusion .
Results show that the axial mixing coefficient E_e of single phase flow in an annular column is only 40 % of that in a circular column of the same cross section , under the same operation conditions .
These conditions are needed when translating the business model to BPEL flow , which can be used by the integration developer for process choreography .
The expressive characteristics of neuron of immediately early gene c-fos and neurotrophic factors tgf - β 1 , ngf , GDNF following ischemia-reperfusion in rat brain
Study on two-phase flow heat exchange for annular flow in shell side and the model
Meantime , two models of flow routing and confluence are established , including the Grid-Based Muskingum Flow Routing Method and the Sub-basin-Based Isochrone Method .
Only with vertical shear flow considered , the Richardson number ( R_ ( I ) > 2 ) must be satisfied to produce stable Kelvin wave propagating east with respect to mean flow .
METHODS : a iK and V_m were measured in infusion with different sodium concentrations using methods of convenient and ion selective microelectrodes in guinea pig ventricular myocardium .
According to the dynamic topology analysis of SFCL-MES during its current limiting period , SFCL-MES 's dynamic mathematic model is established .
It is suggested that the diagnostic criteria of subclinical varicocele are when the diameter of spermatic vein is ≥ 0.18 cm and the time of regurgitation > 800 ms.
The existing Metzner_Otto equation for stirring shear rate estimation is only suitable for calculating the average shear rate around the impeller in the laminar flow of some impeller_vessel systems and cannot meet the requirement of shear simulation for the process of oil pipelining .
Rebasing streams is a multi-step process , much like delivering activities .
Effect of Degenerate Valvular Regurgitation Disease on Coronary Flow Reserve
Changes of serum cytosolic enzymes in rats after cerebral ischemia / reperfusion
Explicit solutions to an optimal portfolio problem with a stochastic cash flow
And there are no obvious circulation flows under the pumping condition .
Dynamic observation of polyamines metabolism in gerbils following cerebral ischemia-reperfusion