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jié bái
  • pure white;as white as snow;lily;spotlessly white
洁白 [jié bái]
  • (1) [pure]∶品行清白純正

  • (2) [as white as snow;pure white]∶純白

  • 洁白的雪

洁白[jié bái]
  1. 底座暗含的斑黄玉质与全身洁白的玉质相互映衬,更加得滋腻光洁。

    Speckle topaz that the base contains implicitly and spotlessly white jade of the whole body set off mutually , have to be bored of growing especially bright and clean .

  2. 远处的青山,有一丝洁白的丝带搭上。

    Mountains far away , with a pure white ribbon .

  3. 他笑了起来,露出一排洁白的牙齿。

    He laughed , revealing a line of white teeth .

  4. 她的牙齿在褐色面孔映衬下显得洁白明亮。

    Her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her face .

  5. 他身穿一套礼服和一件洁白的衬衣。

    He was dressed in a suit and an impeccable white shirt .

  6. 在城市里,洁白的雪已化为灰色的雪泥。

    In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush .

  7. 她穿了一身洁白无瑕的衣服。

    She was dressed in virginal white .

  8. 那个军官咧开嘴,露出洁白整齐的牙齿。

    The officer 's mouth opened , showing white , even teeth .

  9. 他的牙齿洁白而整齐,十分好看。

    He had nice square white teeth

  10. 他们看起来像是盛装打扮了一番,女孩子们身着洁白的裙子,男孩子们一身白衣黑裤。

    They looked as if they were dressed in their Sunday best , the girls in clean white dresses , the boys in dark trousers and plain white shirts .

  11. 月光使房间洁白如洗。

    The room is painted white with moonshine .

  12. 洁白无瑕的沙滩上,闪光的棕榈树叶在温和的海风中舞动,摇曳生姿。

    Glossy palm fronds twist in the temperate wind along immaculate , powder white beaches .

  13. 像是活人身上敷了一层云石,光滑、洁白、巍巍然。

    They are like human beings with marble poured over them , smooth , white , monumental .

  14. 现今当新娘的差不多总是身披洁白的婚纱,不管她已经当过多少次新娘。

    Nowadays the bride almost always wears white , no matter how many times she has been down the aisle .

  15. 用后,牙齿显得更洁白亮丽,而且满口清香。

    Leaves teeth sparkling white and mouth minty fresh .

  16. 她的皮肤洁白无瑕,好象乳色的。

    Her skin was flawless and seemed opalescent .

  17. 洁白胜雪。随风舞动,

    Whiter than snow , Waving so flower-like

  18. 喻)戒律洁白,可以庄严人身,好像晶莹可爱的宝珠。

    The commandments , or rules , are like pure white pearls adorning the wearer . (

  19. 自然洁白的牙齿-临床验证,大大减少了咖啡,茶,自然洁白的牙齿和烟草的污迹。Guaranteed。保证。

    Naturally whiter teeth-Clinically proven to significantly reduces coffee , tea and tobacco stains for naturally whiter teeth .

  20. 含HCS亮白配方,有助洁白牙齿,祛除牙垢。

    With HCS white formula will help clean teeth , eliminate the tartar .

  21. 修剪整齐的绿草坪、洁白的拱门,新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院(LeeKuanYewSchoolofPublicPolicy)的殖民时期建筑反映出新加坡典型的宁静和秩序。

    With neat green lawns and clean white arches , the colonial-era architecture of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy reflects the calm and order typical of Singapore .

  22. 夏季里下起了星尘碎屑般的雪花,轻轻柔柔地落在Evangeline身上,成了洁白水晶班透明闪耀的婚纱。

    Summer from under the stardust clastic like snowflakes , gently softly falls on Evangeline body , became white crystal class transparent glaring marriage gauze .

  23. 花球半圆形、洁白,半松型,花梗绿色,平均单球质量0.50~0.85kg,每667m~2栽3000~3300株,产量2000~3000kg·(667m~2)~(-1),较同类早熟品种增产20.5%。

    The curd is white , semicircle , partly loose , with green stalk . Average curd weight is 0.50 - 0.85 kg .

  24. 白雪公主可不再洁白,你听说了她和…Georgina什么风把你吹回纽约的?

    Eric : Uh , snow not so white . Did you hear that she and ... - Serena : Eric . Eric - Lily : So , Georgina , what brings you back to New York ?

  25. 她的声音,她洁白的身体,她深邃的眸。

    Her voice , her bright body . Her infinite eyes .

  26. 天天刷牙,才能有一口洁白健康的牙齿。

    Only brushing everyday can we guarantee white and healthy teeth .

  27. 使用后牙齿回复闪亮洁白,笑容更自信。

    Back after use shiny teeth healthy , more confident smile .

  28. 寒风里,洁白雪花的曼妙舞蹈。

    In the winter wind , The graceful white snowflakes dancing .

  29. 火柴梗枝洁白、磷面光滑、整洁、安全。

    The sides with phosphorus are smooth , tidy and safe .

  30. 当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐洁白的牙齿。

    A.When he laughs , we see his pearl-white even teeth .