
  • 网络clean coal technology;cCT
  1. 洁净煤技术产业化是山西煤炭工业发展的必然选择

    CCT commercialization : the way Shanxi coal industry development must follow

  2. 根据评价结果可以为政府制定洁净煤技术发展规划和推广政策提供决策参考。

    The assessment results can be references for the government to enact the development plan of CCT and extension policy .

  3. 因酸雨而提出的控制SO2污染是洁净煤技术的主题。

    Because of acid rain , control of SO 2 pollution has become the main topic for clean utilization of coal .

  4. 此外,美国公司futurefuels最近签署了一项协议,获准在美国一家新工厂应用中国的一项洁净煤技术。

    Moreover future fuels , a US company , has recently signed a deal that will allow it to apply a Chinese clean coal technology at a new plant in the US .

  5. 整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC-IntegratedGasificationCombinedCycle)是洁净煤技术中,相当有发展前途的先进动力系统,在整个技术的总体上已经取得了重大发展。

    Among all these clean-coal technologies , IGCC ( Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle ) as an advanced power system with a rather bright future has taken a remarkable step forward on the whole .

  6. IGCC;洁净煤技术;发电技术;联合循环发电;效率;环保。

    IGCC ; Purified Coal Technology ; Power Generation Technology ; United Circle Power Generation ; Efficiency ; Environment Protection .

  7. 同时研究表明,对株洲冶炼厂铅烧结烟气治理和全面推广使用洁净煤技术两项治理SO2措施是实现株洲市区环境空气质量根本好转的重要举措;

    It also made clear that the air quality would be thoroughly improved by treating lead sintering mist in Zhuzhou Smelter and overall spreading clean coal technology .

  8. 论述了美国洁净煤技术框架和中国洁净煤技术发展纲要,介绍了洁净煤气化技术发展过程和Shell粉煤气化技术的特点。

    Author discussed the frame of American clean coal technology and the developmental program of China clean coal technology ; introduced the developmental process of clean coal gasification technology and characteristics of Shell pulverized coal gasification technology .

  9. 洁净煤技术(CCT)是一项系统的技术集成,客观需要国际交流与合作,以分享并推广经验。

    As a system of technology integration , clean coal technology ( CCT ) consequentially needs international exchanges and cooperation to share and promote the experience .

  10. 同时,对发展LSA燃料与推广洁净煤技术的结合进行了探讨。

    Meanwhile , how to combine the development of LSA fuel with spread and application of CCT ( clean coal technology ) has also been explored .

  11. 中国洁净煤技术评价方法及评价模型CCTM

    Methodology of Chinese clean coal technologies evaluation and CCTM model

  12. 针对现有洁净煤技术评价中存在的问题,提出基于经济-能源-环境(3E)分析建立起一种新的宏观技术评价模式。

    Focusing on the problem of the evaluation of clean coal technology , a new macroscopic evaluation model was proposed and set up based on the analysis of economy-energy-environment ( 3E ) .

  13. 常压循环流化床(ACFB)燃烧技术是已经为国际上公认的商业化程度最好的洁净煤技术,但在达到较高的供电效率方面并未具有明显的优越性。

    Ambient circulating fluidized bed ( ACFB ) is believed to be the most commercial clean coal combustion technology , but its thermal efficiency is not as good as expected .

  14. CCPI示范项目的实施,将促进低成本、高效、先进的洁净煤技术在美国现有和新建电厂中的商业应用,为未来近零排放能源系统提供技术支持。

    Enforcement the CCPI demonstration project will promote the advanced clean coal technologies with low cost , high efficiency in existence and new power plant construction of the USA. Also it can provide a technical support Zero emission energy system in the near future .

  15. 预计在不久的将来,可实现300~0mm全粒级煤炭的高效干法分选,这将促进选煤事业及洁净煤技术的进一步发展。

    The high efficient coal dry separation of 300 - 0 mm whole size range is expected to come into application in the near future and the application will promote the further development of the coal separation undertaking and the coal cleaning technology .

  16. 我国洁净煤技术发展与应用调查

    Investigation on Development and Application of Clean Coal Technologies in China

  17. 浙江省洁净煤技术的发展现状及对策

    Development Status and Countermeasures of Clean Coal Technology in Zhejiang Province

  18. 国内外燃煤电厂洁净煤技术发展概况

    Development of Coal Power Plant Clean Coal Technologies in the World

  19. 煤气化是洁净煤技术的重要组成部分。

    Coal gasification is a key issue of Clean Coal Technology .

  20. 浅谈北方地区发展洁净煤技术及产品的前景

    Prospect of Clean Coal Combustion Technology and Products in Northern Area

  21. 洁净煤技术及中国能源消费结构调整

    Clean Coal Technology and Structure Adjustment of Energy Consumption in China

  22. 洁净煤技术产业化与我国能源结构优化

    Industrialization of clean coal technology and optimization of China energy structure

  23. 洁净煤技术中的应用研究及发展目标

    Applied studies in the clean coal technology and its development target

  24. 新一代煤化工和洁净煤技术利用现状分析与对策建议

    Status and Suggestion for Modern Coal Chemical Industry and Clean Coal Technology

  25. 微细粒技术在洁净煤技术中的作用和地位

    The role of ultra-fine particle technology in clean coal technology

  26. 洁净煤技术是煤炭工业可持续发展的重要支柱

    Clean coal technology as main support for continued development of coal industry

  27. 煤的气化是洁净煤技术的重要方向。

    The coal gasification is one kind of the clean coal technologies .

  28. 中国洁净煤技术发展重点及对策

    The Key and Countermeasures of Development for Clean Coal Technology in China

  29. 总结了洁净煤技术体系的内涵及其特点:分析了国内外洁净煤技术发展现状,在此基础上指出了我国发展洁净煤技术存在的不足;

    The concept and characteristics of clean coal technology system are summarized .

  30. 中国洁净煤技术和若干问题的思考

    Clean Coal Technology ( CCT ) and Some Relative Problems in China