
  1. 《生经》是西晋时期译经家竺法护的重要译作。

    Book of Sheng is an important translation works of Zhu Fahu , a translator during Western Jin Dynasty .

  2. “敦煌菩萨”竺法护译出多部陀罗尼密典,这是西晋时期早期密教传入敦煌的间接依据。

    Zhu fahu , known as " dunhuang bodhisattva ", translated many sutras of esoteric buddhism , which is the indirect evidence about the early Esoteric Buddhism importing Dunhuang area at the Western Jin dynasty .

  3. PBL教学法在护生临床护理操作培训中的应用

    Application of PBL teaching method in clinical nursing manipulation training for student nurses

  4. 分层崩落法采矿护顶层的补充

    Supplement of Protective Top - layer by Slicing - and - Caving

  5. 契约学习法在护生临床实习中的应用

    Implementation of Contract Learning in Clinical Practice for Nursing Students

  6. 锚注法支护在软弱围岩地铁隧道的支护中效果显著,具有及其广阔的应用前景。

    The effect of bolt-grouting support in soft rock underpass tunnel is significant .

  7. 角色扮演式教学法在护患冲突教学中的应用

    Application of the role-play type of teaching method in teaching of nurse-patient conflicts

  8. 刚塑性有限元法求解护环的液压胀形问题

    Solution of Liquid Pressure Expansion of Shielding Ring by Rigid-Plastic Finite Element Method

  9. 情境教学法在护生岗前美学培训中的应用

    Application of Scenario Teaching in the Pre-internship Aesthetics Training

  10. 前言:目的:研究经验学习法对护生健康教育能力培养的教学效果。方法;

    Objective : To study the teaching effect of experiential learning in nursing health education .

  11. 观察模拟教学法对护生应急组织能力的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of simulation teaching method on stringency organization ability of nursing students .

  12. 实践证明,扩冲法修复护环简单、经济、实用。

    The practical experience shows that the expanding method is very easy , economical and practical for the operation .

  13. 根据钢护筒圆周上的测点坐标,研究了附参数的条件平差法计算护筒中心,实验并分析了护筒上测点位置选择对精度的影响。

    According to the surveyed coordinate of steel pipe circle , the adjustment of condition equations and the position of circumferences points is studied , the choice of the pipe circle points ' position are analyzed and experimented for the influence to precision .

  14. PBL教学法对高职护生学业自我效能感的影响

    The Effect of Problem-based Learning on Academic Self-efficacy of Nursing Students in Higher Vocational School

  15. 体育专业大学生学习自我效能感的测量研究PBL教学法对高职护生学业自我效能感的影响

    Metrical Research on Leaning Self-efficacy of P.E. - majored Undergraduates ; The Effect of Problem-based Learning on Academic Self-efficacy of Nursing Students in Higher Vocational School

  16. 虽然Seminar教学法对本科护生评判性思维能力中寻找真相、系统化能力的发展有一定促进作用,但本科护生的上述两种特质总体水平中等。

    Although Seminar teaching method has a little stimulative effect on searching for the truth , systematic ability of undergraduate nursing students , but the two qualities of undergraduate nursing students are medium .

  17. 三期沟通法在实习护生管理中的应用

    Application of three-stage communication method in management of practice nursing students

  18. 压力注浆衬砌支护技术用注浆法治理支护破损的巷道

    The Pressure Grouting Lining Method Grouting of support - damaged headings

  19. 五勤临床教学法在提高护生业务能力方面的应用

    Enhancing professional skills of nursing students by applying Five Diligent teaching

  20. 喷锚网法基坑支护工程设计实例

    An Example on Engineering Design of Foundation Pit Support by Injection-Anchor

  21. 目标责任法在社区护生带教中的优势

    Advantages of Object-Responsibility Methods in Community Guidance to Practising Nurses

  22. 用m法对支护桩的设计进行了分析与计算。

    A protective and supporting pile is analyzed by the m method .

  23. 弹性抗力法确定支护结构插入深度的研究

    Researches on inserting depth of retaining structure determined by elastic - resistance method

  24. 学生参与式考评法在基护操作考核中的应用

    Application of Student Participation Evaluation Method in the Examination of Basic Nursing Manipulation

  25. 参与式教学法提高临床护生沟通能力的探讨

    Explore the connecting ability of clinical practical nurses elevated by participating teaching method

  26. 三阶段教学法培养本科护生科研能力的探讨

    Study of Three-steps Teaching in Cultivation Abilities of Scientific Research to Nursing Undergraduate

  27. 下向分层进路式充填采矿法假顶护顶途径探讨

    Discussions on pseudo - ceiling in downward piling access back - filling mining method

  28. 护理伦理学教学中应用案例讨论法对培养护生职业情感的作用

    Effect of Case Discussion in Nursing Ethics Teaching on Cultivating Nursing Students ' Professional Affection

  29. 隧洞掘进塌方处理及不良地质条件下管棚法超前预支护技术

    Tube Awning Law in Advance Pre-supports and Protections Technology under Tunnel Landslide and Unfavorable Geological Condition

  30. 角色内化教学法在培养护生综合素质中的作用

    Research on the Role Internalization Teaching Method in the Cultivation of Nursing Students ' Overall Quality