
French materialism in the 18th century
The relation between material and consciousness is not so . It was explicitly advanced by French materialists only at modern times .
His ideas of Kant , Hegel , and even the French materialism of modern western philosophy , religion , theology have had a profound effect .
In terms of the history of moral science , it was the logic development of hedonism of ancient Greek , modern Britain experientialism and french materialism of the 18th century .
Classical German philosophy is notable for its speculative and obscure nature in stark contrast with preceding British empiricism , continental rationalism and French materialism in the 18 ~ ( th ) century .
The critique of French materialism and utopian socialist reveals the inevitable trend of modern society in the level of value , where Marx proposed " practical humanitarianism " to transcend the modern world and beyond the abstract humanitarian and the abstract naturalism of Enlightenment .