
  1. 论唯物史观传承的一段重要历程&列宁在批判民粹派和经济派中对唯物史观的捍卫

    On the Historical Materialism of a Very Important Part in the Course of Transmission & Lenin 's criticism of populist and economic allocation of the defense of historical materialism

  2. 哈克比先生的弱点在于他的贸易保护主义者和反公司的言论吓坏了经济保守派

    Mr Huckabee 's weakness is that his protectionist and anti-corporate rhetoric appals economic conservatives .

  3. 经济自由派若不积极行动,将会输掉这场争论。

    If economic liberals do not engage they will lose the argument .

  4. 当然,经济驱动派与房地产供求派两派都不错。

    Both the momentum school and the supply and demand school are right , of course .

  5. 对于一家对布鲁塞尔的大多数行为持怀疑态度的经济自由派报纸来说,英国的退出可能是一个双重悲剧。

    For an economically liberal newspaper that has been sceptical of much that Brussels does , a British exit would be a double tragedy .

  6. 天哪!对于一家对布鲁塞尔的大多数行为持怀疑态度的经济自由派报纸来说,英国的退出可能是一个双重悲剧。

    Oops ! For an economically liberal newspaper that has been sceptical of much that Brussels does , a British exit would be a double tragedy .

  7. 本文认为,这种生活样式是自然经济的派生物,是布依族的一种社会制度,是维系社区、群内聚力的纽带。

    This paper holds that it is a result of natural economy , a social system for the Buyi people and a means of maintaining community or clan cohesive force .

  8. 德克萨斯州州长佩里可能成为一名强有力的参选人,因为他可能吸引社会和经济方面的保守派。

    Texas Governor Rick Perry could be a formidable candidate who can potentially appeal to social and economic conservatives .

  9. 经济思想的救火派坚持表示,我们必须在下一个威胁出现之前应对眼前的威胁。

    The firefighting School of economic thought insists that we have to fight the immediate threat before the next one .

  10. 这一趋势表明,面对经济低迷的一派严酷景象,通常优先进行薪酬谈判的劳工代表,正准备探索一片陌生的领域。

    The move shows that amid the ravages of a brutal downturn , labour representatives , who have traditionally prioritised wage negotiations , are prepared to explore unfamiliar territory .

  11. 尽管香港在1997年回归中国,但这个曾经的英国殖民地依然保持着独立的政治和经济体制,并派自己的运动员参加奥运会。

    Though Hong Kong returned to Chinese control in 1997 , the former British colony continues to operate with its own independent political and economic system , and also sends its own athletes to compete in the Olympics .

  12. 在漕运的带动下,大运河商贸兴旺,由此带动运河沿线地区城乡经济的发展,使运河沿线的城乡经济一派繁荣景象。

    In the lead , the grand canal , the thriving trade , which drive the canal in the region along the further development of urban and rural economy , make the canal along of urban and rural economy a flourishing .