
hé duàn
  • reach;stream segment;channel segment
河段 [hé duàn]
  • (1) [stream segment]∶两个标示支流汇合点之间的那一部分水道

  • (2) [reach]∶河流的某一段

河段[hé duàn]
  1. 三峡库区奉节河段库岸再造及滑坡稳定性预测

    Prediction of bank rebuilding and landslide stability of Fengjie stream segment after TGP reservoir filling

  2. 郑州黄河二桥主桥为8×100m钢管混凝土简支系杆拱桥,位于黄河中游宽阔游荡性河段上。

    The 2nd Zhengzhou Huanghe River Bridge proper is designed as 8 × 100 m simply-supported tied arch spans of concrete-filled steel tubes over the wide and braided reach in the midstream of Huanghe River .

  3. 这一河段少有船只经过。

    Ships are rarely seen on this stretch of the river .

  4. 预计8月中下旬,黄河、海河、长江部分河段可能发生超警洪水,台风降雨可能引发区域性暴雨洪水。近期我国西南、长江中下游等地局部暴雨洪水频发。

    Water levels are likely to exceed the warning levels in some sections of the Yellow River , Yangtze River and Haihe River in mid-to-late August , with typhoons triggering regional downpours and floods .

  5. 珠江广州河段高锰酸盐指数的灰色GM(1,1)预测

    The Gray Prediction GM ( 1,1 ) of Permanganate Index of Zhujiang River in Guangzhou City

  6. 鉴于上月莱因河某些河段的水温达到了28°C,德国对核电站从支流吸取的冷却水量进行了限制。

    With the temperature of the Rhine last month reaching 28 ° C in places , Germany restricted the amount of cooling water nuclear power stations could siphon from tributaries .

  7. 降解有机物的主要微生物的数量于COD显著相关,可作为该河段有机污染物水平的指标;

    The correlation between the major organic-pollutants-degrading microorganisms and COD suggests that the species can indicate the degree of the organic pollution .

  8. 这传奇的I-V级的河段使得它可以和西部的科罗拉多媲美。

    This legendary path boasts class I to V rapids that rival the west 's Colorado .

  9. 介绍了利用GIS建立河道地形三维表面,计算分析河段槽蓄量以及冲淤变化的主要步骤和具体方法。

    The main procedure and concrete method for establishment of 3-D surface of channel topography by using GIS and for calculation and analysis of channel storage and changes in scouring and siltation are presented .

  10. 本文以黄河某河段的硫化物污染为例,基于GIS技术和水环境数值模拟方程,研究污染物在水环境中的运移扩散规律,并实现污染物扩散的可视化表达,探索污染控制和治理的新方法。

    Based on GIS and water pollution model , the paper discusses sulfured pollution in Yellow River , analyses diffusion equation of sulfured pollution , implements visible presentation , provides a new method for water pollution control and management .

  11. 采用了改进相应涨差模型及Kalman滤波实时校正方法,预报感潮河段洪水和无遥测降雨资料水库洪水,为水库实时控制运用提供了坚实的信息基础。

    Corresponding rising difference model and Kalman filter real-time correction method are used for tidal river flood forecasting and remote sensing rainfall data absence reservoirs , this paper studied tide and flood forecast method .

  12. 南港-南槽河段在1973-2003年间整体为淤积,泥沙淤积量为1.39亿m3;

    From 1973 to 2003 , the South Channel-the South passage is generally characterized by deposition , and the total deposition volume is 1.39 × 10 ~ 8m ~ 3 ;

  13. 利用Landsat7ETM+遥感图像反射率和实测水深值之间的相关性,建立了动量BP人工神经网络水深反演模型,并对长江口南港河段水深进行了反演。

    A momentum BP neural network model ( MBPNNM ) was constructed to retrieve the water depth information for the South Channel of the Yangtze River Estuary using the relationship between reflectance derived from Landsat ETM + satellite data and water depth information .

  14. 水利枢纽下游河道水位流量关系的变化任一断面的Z~Q关系受其上下游河段综合水力条件的影响,常在其水位变幅内水力条件多变,以一种线型(函数)拟合不能满足精度要求。

    Cross-section stage-discharge relation ( Z ~ Q ) are usually influenced by the whole hydraulic conditions of upstream and downstream , and the hydraulic conditions in fluctuation range of the stage are so changeable that fitting of one curve form can not be necessarily precise .

  15. 主要采用数理统计方法和SPSS统计软件,对镇扬河段代表水文站的水位数据以及河段DEM数据进行统计分析,得到特征水位和河道的特征高程,并在此基础上建立河道地貌类型的定量划分标准。

    Using traditional statistical methods and SPSS software , the paper has analyzed the water lever data and DEM data at the station in Zhen-Yang reach to calculate characteristic water levels and elevations . Based on this results , quantitative standards to differentiate river geomorphic conditions are established .

  16. 假定不出现冰情,观测河段水位将下降0.1~0.4m,过流能力将提高30%~65%。

    If the ice conditions were not considered , the water levels in the observed river reaches would be reduced by 0.1-0.4 m and the discharge capacities , increased by 30 % - 65 % .

  17. RIEMS-LRM在黄河上游河段的应用证实其有能力对大尺度河流的河川径流进行模拟。

    The application of the RIEMS-LRM to the upper reaches of the Yellow River verifies that the coupled model system has the capability to simulate the streamflow over a large-scale river .

  18. 本文主要介绍了CS-SP1型超塑化剂在南水北调保定漕河段工程中以高减水率、高性能、低收缩为主要技术指标的水工大体积薄壁混凝土中的应用。

    The application of superplasticizer CS-SP1 in the hydraulic structure of mass concrete in this project is introduced in this article . The major technical indicators are high water reducing rate , high performance and low shrinkage .

  19. 射阳港口电厂河段的整治及其工程效果

    Regulation of Sheyang harbor power plant reach and its engineering effect

  20. 黄河下游过渡型河段漫滩洪水演进规律探讨

    Overbank Flood Routing Regularity for Transitional Stretch of Lower Yellow River

  21. 感潮河网水域(广州河段)纵向离散系数的研究

    Research on the Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient in Guangzhou Tidal River Networks

  22. 弯曲河段水流水质二维数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Flow and Water Quality for Bend Reaches

  23. 三江至北碚河段实时作业预报系统

    The Real-time Job Forecast System of the Three River to Beibei

  24. 荆江河段防洪预警信息发布系统的构建与应用

    Constitution and application of Jingjiang River flood forecasting information issuance system

  25. 黄河黑山峡河段开发方案

    The development plan of Heishan gorge section on the Yellow River

  26. 河口河段纵向一维不稳定流的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of Vertical one dimensional Unsteady Flow in River Mouth

  27. 在静水长度以上河段底坡变缓后,回水长度会相应增大;

    Backwater length will increase with the slower of bottom slope .

  28. 新疆宽浅变迁河流桥位河段壅水研究

    Backwater at bridge constrictions of broad-shallow and shifting channels in Xinjiang

  29. 溢洪道下游河段平面二维冲刷的计算方法

    Discussion of Plane Two-dimensional Scouring Calculation at Lower Reaches of Spillway

  30. 近海河段桥梁深水基础的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Deepwater Foundation of Bridge Cross Offshore River