
  • 网络Hequ;hequ county
  1. 河曲县产业结构变动规律的灰色分析

    Grey analyses of the law of economic structure chances in Hequ County

  2. 就河曲县近年来海红果树锈病发生的危害、规律及防治技术进行了综述。

    This paper summarizes the hazard , regularity and control technology of the rust disease of Malus micromalus tree in Hequ County .

  3. 结果表明,河曲县的荒漠化防治效益以上升趋势为主。

    Results showed that the desertification control efficiency mainly shows a tendency to rise in the whole county .

  4. 强化职能谋求新发展&山西省河曲县组建乡镇林业中心站的调查

    Strengthen Basic Function to Promote Further Development & Investigation to the Establishment of the Local Forestry Central Office in Hequ County of Shanxi Province

  5. 基于长期定位试验,对黄土丘陵区的晋西北河曲县砖窑沟试验区土壤氮素资源与分布,土壤氮素变化和农田氮素平衡进行了分析,并探讨了该区氮素管理策略和施肥方案。

    A long-term experiment was carried out on a typical loess soil in Hequ county , northeastern Shanxi province , to study the soil N fertility .

  6. 通过对山西省河曲县荒漠化防治效益的多维灰色动态评估,实现了静态的横向比较和动态的纵向比较。

    Using multidimensional gray dynamic evaluation , comparisons of both static change and dynamic change on desertification control efficiency were studied in Hequ County , Shanxi Province .

  7. 另外将主要介绍本文的主要案例河曲县城镇社区建设的背景,其中包括河曲概述以及河曲城镇社区建设的历史沿革。

    In addition , this part will introduce the background of Community Construction in Hequ towns , including introduction of Hequ towns and the historical evolution of Community Construction in Hequ towns .

  8. 经过对河曲县自然条件、经济状况、农业现状等因素深入分析,以指导河曲县对脱毒马铃薯种植的推广实践。

    After a comprehensive analysis of natural conditions , economic conditions , Hequ County Agricultural Status and other factors , to guide the Hequ County for the promotion practice of Virus-free Potato planting .