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shā shēn
  • the root of straight ladybell;Adenophora stricta;ladybell;upright ladybell
沙参 [shā shēn]
  • (1) [ladybell]∶沙参属植物的泛称

  • 小花沙参

  • 宁夏沙参

  • (2) [upright ladybell]∶一种多年生草本植物( Adenophora stricta ),叶子长椭圆形,四片轮生,花冠钟形,萼片狭长,紫色。根可以入药,是祛痰剂

沙参[shā shēn]
  1. 建立了北沙参药材的HPLC指纹图谱分析方法,并利用相似度软件对不同产地的北沙参指纹图谱分析结果进行了评价。

    The analytical method of HPLC fingerprint of Radix glehniae was developed and validated .

  2. 沙参多糖及水提取物能显著地增加碳粒廓清指数K及吞噬指数α,增强单核巨噬细胞的吞噬功能;

    Polysaccharide and water extract could increase the index of K and α in carbon clearance test .

  3. 沙参对肺纤维化大鼠FN、LN的影响

    Effect of straight ladybell root on FN and LN in pulmonary fibrosis rats

  4. 土壤pH与北沙参菌丝定殖率和总定殖率、北柴胡孢子密度呈显著负相关,与北沙参孢子密度呈显著正相关。

    Soil pH was negatively correlated with hyphal and total colonization of Adenophora borealis and spore density of Bupleurum chinense , while positively correlated with spore density of Adenophora borealis .

  5. 北沙参SRAP分子标记体系的建立与优化

    Establishment and Optimization of SRAP Reaction System in Glehnia littoralis

  6. 方法利用蛋白质与过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)指纹图谱分析、鉴别北沙参农家品种。

    METHODS The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( PAGE ) fingerprints of protein and peroxidase ( POD ) isozyme was analyzed to identify the three varieties of Radix Glehniae .

  7. 本研究即采用HPLC-MS技术对北沙参中的香豆素类成分进行分析。

    In the present study , HPLC-MS was performed to analyze chemical components in Radix Glehniae .

  8. 土壤碱解N与丹参和麻山药的孢子密度、北沙参菌丝定殖率和总定殖率呈显著正相关,与紫苑丛枝定殖率呈显著负相关。

    Soil available N was positively correlated with spore density of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Dioscorea opposite , and hyphal and total percent colonization of Adenophora borealis , while negatively correlated with arbuscular colonization of Aster tataricus ;

  9. 南沙参为桔梗科植物轮叶沙参Adenophoratetraphylla(Thunb.)Fisch.或沙参AdenophorastrictaMiq.的干燥根,具有养阴清肺,益胃生津,化痰,益气的功效。

    Adenophorae Radix is the dry root of Adenophora tetraphylla ( Thunb . ) Fisch . or Adenophora stricta Miq . Of Campanulaceae plants . It has the effects of nourishing yin to clear away the lung-heat , tonifying stomach , promoting fluid , reducing phlegm and tonifying qi .

  10. 莱阳沙参多糖胶化性能的研究

    The study on colloid chemistry characters of polysaccharide of Glehnia littoralis

  11. 沙参提取物镇咳祛痰及免疫增强作用研究

    Studies of Radix adenophorae extracts on antitussive-expectorant and immunoenhancement effects

  12. 目的研究北沙参农家品种的鉴定。

    OBJECTIVE To study the identification of Radix Glehniae ′ s varieties .

  13. 施钾量对北沙参根有效成分含量变化的影响

    Effects of Potassium Application Rate on Effective Components Content in Glehnia littoralis Roots

  14. 沙参麦冬汤对运动小鼠免疫功能的影响

    The effect of Radix Ophiopogon soup on the immune function of exercises mice

  15. 施钾量对北沙参生长、产量和品质的影响

    Effects of Potassium Application Rate on Growth , Yield and Quality of Glehnia Littoralis

  16. 北沙参粗多糖的提取及对阴虚小鼠的免疫调节作用

    The extraction on polysaccharide of Radix Glehniae and immuno-regulating effects on Yin deficiency mice

  17. 不同生长年份北沙参中香豆素含量的比较研究

    Comparison of the Coumarin Content of Roots in the Different Years of Glehnia littoralis

  18. 山东地产药材北沙参多糖含量测定

    Polysaccharide 's content determination of Glehnia littoralis

  19. 北沙参质量控制关键技术和评价标准研究

    Study on the Key Technologies of the Quality Control and Evaluation Standard of Radix Glehniae

  20. 本研究利用环磷酰胺建立了小鼠免疫抑制模型,并利用北沙参提取物恢复了的免疫抑制小鼠的部分免疫功能。

    In this research , immune suppression mode of mice were set up with cyclophosphamide .

  21. 北沙参锈病病原、发病规律及综合防治方法研究

    Studies on the Pathogen and Occurrence regularity of Glehnia littoralis Rust and Its Integrated Control

  22. 口腔干燥可经常用麦冬,沙参等中药泡茶饮用。

    Dry mouth can often Ophiopogon japonicus , such as Chinese medicine Shashen tea drinking .

  23. 北沙参栽培后期主要营养成分变化的动态研究

    Study on Main Vegetative Constituents in Roots of Glehnia littoralis During the Late Cultivation Periods

  24. 北沙参水提法不同提取物体外抗肿瘤的研究

    Study on Antitumor Effect in vitro of Different Extractions by Water from Roots of Glehnia littoralis

  25. 目的:探讨北沙参不同栽培品种与药材质量的关系。

    Objective : To study the relation between different cultivated varieties and quality of Radix Glehniae .

  26. 莱阳沙参茎叶与根吸收光谱对比分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Absorption Spectrum on the Stems and leaves with Roots of Glehnia Littoralis

  27. 方法:采用体外分子模型测定北沙参乙醇提取物及其不同萃取部分的脯氨酰寡肽酶抑制活性。

    Methods : To determine the prolyl oligopeptidase inhibitory activity in vitro of ethanol extract of G.

  28. 川西北泡沙参种群根系生长动态及其与环境因素关系研究

    Root growth dynamics of Adenophora potaninii populations and its relation with environmental factors in northwest Sichuan Province

  29. 牡蛎壳土壤调理剂对北沙参生理生化影响的研究

    Studies on the Effect of Oyster Shell Soil Remediation on the Physiologic and Biochemical Activities of Glehnia Littoralis

  30. 方法:接文献方法和药典规定检测北沙参不同栽培品种的多糖、欧前胡素、浸出物等成分含量。

    Methods : Polysaccharide , imperatorin and extractives in different varieties were detected according to document and Chinese Pharmacopeia .