- 名Shameen

The concept " aerodynamic roughness length " defined by Bagnold is an important parameter for wind erosion research . It has been widely applied in sand bed , vegetation conditions , snow bed and water surface .
Workers reconstructing a building burned out an incident on the Shameen .
The heat reflected from the white sand forms a mirage
A Preliminary Research on Increasing Temperature Effectiveness in Different types of Desert Ground covers
And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow .
Indexes of Sand Surface Stability in Hexi Corridor
ShaMian-A small town live in the middle of lake . Antique , peaceful , mysterious
When I saw this girl in Shamian island I found that she was very interesting .
When sorrow becomes mutual , it begins to erase the lines drawn in the sand .
Shameen , a section of the city of Canton , was held on lease by British imperialism .
In this study we measured the moisture at the typical soil profile , and some results are concluded .
It has been found that the sand concentration shows a negative exponential profile along the height over the sand surface .
I really am very sorry about your wasted journey and of course we would love to have seen you on Shamian .
Before the fifth stage , they had told us the sand would get firmer after 10km , but instead it becomes even softer , like leg-sucking quicksand .
Why did father push me in front of Mona lisa , and make me listen to symphonic music ? I guess that 's the thing called fate .
There is an abundant biological crust on the sand surface of the desert , which serves as one of the biological factors contributing to the sand fixation besides plants .
Due to the eddy action of airflow , the sand in sand-barriers can reach a state of equilibrium between erosion and accumulation , and finally form a stable concave surface .
The sand ground temperature is higher obviously than clay straw barrier ground and the leaf surface of natural desert plants under the same conditions of sunlight , time and the area .
In 1857 , British and French troops capture Guangzhou in 1861 forced the Qing government to sign the " Treaty of Tianjin ", forcibly leased to the British and French imperialism sand surface .
During the regular moving of the solar simulator , the distribution of solar radiation on the sand surface was computed under the situations in which different groups of the lamp-house were turned on .
The results show that the first cleansing rate is the largest proportion in total cleansing rate . With the increase of operating number , the sediment surface tends to be stable and cleansing rate decreases rapidly .
Our research analyzes comprehensively the sand data , such as thickness distribution , velocity distribution , frequency distribution of sand incipience velocity , expatiates the behaviors of these two sand incipiences in wind-blown-sand flow , then our research amends some deficiency of relative researches .
Desert Spadefoot Frog , Australia , 1999 " A desert spadefoot frog surfaces with a wary stare at Australia 's Alice Springs Desert Park . Life hides in unexpected places : These frogs wait for rain deep in the outback 's red sands - for years , if need be . "