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chén zhuó
  • calm;steady;composed;cool-headed;aplomb;sangfroid
沉着 [chén zhuó]
  • [steady] 从容镇静;不慌不忙

  • 一个好的沉着的球手

沉着[chén zhuó]
  1. 晚期少数病人可出现色素沉着、糖尿病等血色病的表现。

    Terminal minority patient can appear pigment is ad cool-headed , DiabeticWait for the expression of disease of redness of skin .

  2. 一向沉着的小弗朗西斯哥德非常平静地谈起当时的场景:28岁的母亲凯在家中的浴室里突然破了羊水要分娩。

    Cool-headed Francesca Goodby calmly talked her mum Kay , 28 , through the sudden birth after her waters broke in the family 's bathroom .

  3. 她试图保持冷静、沉着、镇定。

    She tried to remain cool , calm and collected .

  4. 他以惯常的沉着语气作了演讲。

    He delivered the speech with his usual aplomb .

  5. 他很快恢复了平时沉着冷静的样子。

    He soon recovered his usual self-possession .

  6. 他的反应很沉着。

    His response was well balanced .

  7. 乔治·弗雷泽显然是个好士兵,沉着冷静且适应力强。

    George Fraser was clearly a good soldier , calm and resilient

  8. 她的容貌让他惊叹,而更让他惊讶的是她的沉着。

    What amazed him even more than her appearance was her poise

  9. 当然,托马斯沉着、冷漠,不易激动。

    Thomas , of course , was cool and aloof and imperturbable .

  10. 她是个非常沉着的人。没什么能让她惊慌的。

    She was a very calm person . Nothing could fluster her .

  11. 安妮处乱不惊,十分冷静沉着。

    Anne had remained unruffled , very cool and controlled .

  12. 她以沉着冷静著称。

    She has a reputation for being calm and cool-headed .

  13. 显然,她是全家口才最好、最沉着冷静的人。

    She is clearly the most articulate and self-possessed member of her family .

  14. 他从头至尾都表现出一定的冷静沉着。

    He behaves throughout with a certain sang-froid .

  15. 她自信、沉着,几乎有些洋洋自得。

    She was self-assured , poised , almost self-satisfied

  16. 我决定要沉着冷静地面对这一消息。

    I was determined to take the news in a calm and dignified manner .

  17. 她通常沉着而老练。

    She is usually a calm and diplomatic woman

  18. “好吧,请继续,”卡米拉用很沉着的语气说道。

    ' Well , go on , ' said Camilla , her voice fairly steady

  19. 蕾切尔看上去沉着冷静。

    Rachel appeared poised and calm .

  20. 劳拉十分冷静沉着。

    Laura was very calm and composed

  21. 树下的那个壮汉看起来很沉着。

    That stout man under the tree looks quite sedate .

  22. 她在紧急关头总是沉着机敏。

    She is calm and resourceful in an emergency .

  23. 遇到复杂的问题,他总是泰然处之,沉着应付。

    When coming across complicated problems , he would remain unruffled and take them calmly .

  24. 他看起来沉着自信,其实是在装样子。

    He appeared calm and confident but it was just an act .

  25. 临场要沉着,不要慌。

    Keep calm during the exam ( or competition ) . don 't panic .

  26. 当新闻记者们一直同时向他提出问题时,他一直保持冷静沉着。

    He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters all shouted questions at him at once .

  27. 他们共事合作得很好,她的稳健沉着对他那巧妙但往往不切实际的想法起了制衡作用。

    They work well together & her steadiness acts as a balance to his clever but offer impractical ideas .

  28. 引擎出了点儿故障,但飞行员很沉着,使飞机安全降落。

    Although he was having some trouble with the engine , the pilot stayed calm and landed the plane safely .

  29. 在这些伟大的改革下,秦始皇变得更加强大和沉着。

    Under these great reforms , Qin grew stronger and slinger .

  30. 他说话沉着,但每句话都有分量。

    He spoke calmly , but every sentence carried weight .