
  • 网络Gangnam;Gangnam-gu;jiangnan district;Jiangnan;Gangnam District
  1. 办公地点就位于新潮的江南区没错,就是《江南Style》里的那个江南这一地区已经聚集了一批手机初创企业,其数量日益增长,那里还有一些科技孵化公司对他们进行指导。

    The office is in the trendy district of Gangnam yes , that Gangnam which is already home to a growing cluster of mobile start-ups and a handful of technology incubators to mentor them .

  2. 办公地点就位于新潮的江南区——没错,就是《江南Style》里的那个江南——这一地区已经聚集了一批手机初创企业,其数量日益增长,那里还有一些科技孵化公司对他们进行指导。

    The office is in the trendy district of Gangnam - yes , that Gangnam - which is already home to a growing cluster of mobile start-ups and a handful of technology incubators to mentor them .

  3. 由于韩国大部分娱乐公司都位于江南区内,江南区办公室以两个主要娱乐公司――SMEntertainment和CubeEntertainment――为中心,打造了这条全长1.08公里的街道。

    Considering most Korean entertainment companies are located within the district , the office has mapped out the 1.08km-long street around two major entertainment firms -- SM Entertainment and Cube Entertainment .

  4. 日前,鸟叔Psy接受了CNN的专访,畅谈了他在韩国首尔江南区的成长经历。

    Recently on CNN , Psy spoke about his life and childhood as he grew up in the Gangnam district of Seoul , South Korea .

  5. Psy谈到,成长在江南区的感觉很棒,但是很多人对于韩国人有刻板印象,“可惜我不是那种人。”

    He mentions that growing up at Gangnam was good , but many people have a stereotype for Koreans and he mentions " unfortunately , it 's not me , "

  6. 这首单曲在7月中旬发布,反映出当今韩国泛滥的物质主义和对外貌的看重,特别是在富人聚集的江南区,PSY将这里比作首尔的比弗力山庄。

    The song , released in mid-July , was meant as a commentary on the rampant materialism and emphasis on appearance of today 's South Korea - particularly in relation to Gangnam , which Psy terms Seoul 's Beverly Hills .

  7. 江南区寒武&奥陶系牙形刺

    Cambrian & ordovician conodonts from the Jiangnan region

  8. 我们不同意将江南区交给他管理,大哥!

    We don 't like the idea of giving kang-nam region to him , sir !

  9. 我要去江南区报仇。

    I 'm over kang-nam region .

  10. 江南区整夜灯火通明,街道两旁有很多整容诊所。

    The lights stay on all night in the Gangnam district , where plastic surgery clinics line the streets .

  11. 江南区办公室表示,去年有1000万外国游客到首尔观光旅游,其中有一半以上游览了江南区。

    The office said more than half of 10 million foreign tourists to Seoul last year also visited Gangnam .

  12. 江南区紧靠长江黄金水道,可以减轻企业的运输成本;

    Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area is located close to Yangtze River Golden Waterway , helping enterprises to reduce transport cost .

  13. 在首尔的金融中心江南区的中部,是超现代化的首尔柏悦饭店。

    Homeport : In the middle of Gangnam , Seoul 's finance center , is the swank , ultramodern Park Hyatt Seoul .

  14. 在江南区的松亭洞和新沙洞,繁华的商业街里某些街段几乎完全被整形外科诊所占据。

    In Apgujeong-dong and Sinsa-dong in Gangnam-gu , some sections in the busy commercial streets are almost exclusively occupied by cosmetic surgery clinics .

  15. 糖厂酒精废液变废为宝的循环利用,给南宁市江南区蔗糖产业带来新的发展希望。

    The recycling of alcohol waste from sugar factory turning the waste into treasures brings a new promising change for sucrose produced industry . 6 .

  16. 为使江南区成为一个游客必到的旅游目的地,江南区办公室将打造更多相关景点,比如一个与韩流有关的展览和一个附带详细说明的游览项目。

    To make the neighborhood a must-see tourist destination , it will create more relevant attractions such as a K-pop-related exhibition and a detailed tour program .

  17. 贵州镇远竹坪地区寒武纪时处于扬子区与江南区之间的过渡区。

    In Cambrian , Zhuping of Zhenyuan county , Guizhou province , was located in the transitional zone between the Yangtze platform and the Jiangnan area .

  18. 同时还与江南区高空和地面形势以及中低层风场有关。(2)不同季节形成雾的条件是有差异的,在不同季节采用不同预报方程来做雾预报,符合雾形成的物理机制。

    The conditions forming fog in different seasons are different , therefore , different fog prediction equations adopted in various seasons are suitable to the physical mechanism which forms fogs .

  19. 针对首尔江南区整形诊所利用中间人“拉客”吸引中国顾客的行为,韩国检察机构近日展开搜查,以打击非法中介。

    South Korean prosecutors have cracked down on illegal brokers and searched the offices of plastic surgery clinics in Gangnam , Seoul , that used agents to attract patients from China .

  20. (首尔,韩国)在首尔中心著名的江南区的附近坐落着被称为“美丽地带”的整容手术一条街。

    SEOUL , South Korea - In the heart ofSeoul 's famous Gangnam neighborhood lies the " Beauty Belt , " a grouping ofstreets lined with hundreds of cosmetic surgery joints .

  21. 政府资金支持还帮助推动了首尔高档地段江南区初创企业孵化器和加速器的增多,其中一些机构正与由政府支持的创新中心竞相向初创企业提供支持。

    Government financial support has also helped drive a proliferation of start-up incubators and accelerators in Seoul 's upmarket Gangnam area - some of which are competing with the state-backed centres to support budding companies .

  22. 但韩国国内却没有这样的感觉。时尚的江南区的居民过得越快乐,韩国人就越觉得本国经济模式向特权精英阶层倾斜。

    That is not how it feels at home . The more that the residents of the fashionable Gangnam district live it up , the more Koreans feel their economic model is skewed towards a privileged elite .

  23. 依据沉积特征,笔者将江西省二叠系划分为扬子区、江南区和华南区三个沉积区,并进一步划分为六个小区。

    On the basis of sedimentary features , the author divided the Permian in Jiangxi Province into three sedimentary regions , the Yangtze region , Jiangnan region and South China region , which are further divided into six areas .

  24. 周三,江南区办公室举行了这条韩流主题街的揭幕仪式,这是一项长期计划的第一阶段,该计划希望通过将江南区变为一个对游客更友好的目的地来吸引外国游客。

    On Wednesday , the office held an event to mark the opening of the K-pop themed road , the first stage of a long-term project to attract foreign visitors by turning the neighborhood into a more tourist-friendly destination .

  25. 论文的研究结果有如下几个方面:1.南宁市江南区拥有得天独厚的自然环境和优越的社会经济条件,且区位优势和交通优势明显,适宜蔗糖产业的发展。

    The research results are followed : 1 . Owning favourably endowed natural environment , superior socially economic conditions , obvious advantages in location and traffic , Jiang Nan district is suitable for the development of sugarcane produced industry . 2 .

  26. 甘蔗产业在南宁市江南区经济、社会发展中具有举足轻重的地位和作用,是南宁市江南区重要的支柱产业,是农民增收、企业增效和财政增税的主要来源。

    Sugarcane produced industry plays an important role in economic and social development . It is the pillar industry and the main source of the increase income of farmers , the increase efficiency for corporations and the increase financial taxes . 3 .

  27. 通过与其它地区同期笔石带对比,发现本区笔石动物群属扬子区和江南区的过渡类型,并且早志留世早期可能存在一定规模的间断。

    Correlation with other areas has revealed that the graptolite fauna in this area belongs in a transitional type between the Yangzi area and the Jiangnan area , and that a break of a certain magnitude may have existed in early Early Silurian times .

  28. 国家实施东蔗西移战略性结构调整和国内外蔗糖供需缺口大,给江南区蔗糖产业发展提供更多更大的升值空间。

    The structure adjustment of state strategy of transplanting the sugarcane in the east of China to the west area and the large demand of sugarcane in domestic and abroad market provide much more appreciate space for sucrose produced industry in Jiang Nan district . 4 .

  29. 明清以来江南蚕桑区叶市上的远期交易

    The Future Trading of Mulberry Leaves in Jiangnan since the Ming Dynasty

  30. 唐宋时期江南经济区形成及特点分析

    Analysis of Economic Formation and Characteristics in South of the Yangtze River in Tang-Song Dynasty